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Book: Wicked Memories (CASTLE OF DARK DREAMS) by Nina Bangs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nina Bangs
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It almost looked as though . . . “No. It can’t be.” But it was. The dark shapes of the men seemed to be melting and flowing into . . . “Fish?” Even saying the word made her question her sanity. “Tell me they didn’t just change into big fish.” She heard the shrillness in her voice, but she couldn’t seem to control it.
    They were gone. They’d just walked out into the Gulf, turned into fish, and disappeared. She glanced up at Will. In the darkness his features were harsh, his eyes hard and unreadable. “What just happened?” Kayla’s finger still hovered over her phone while confused thoughts scrambled to make meaning of what had no meaning.
    “Put the phone away, Kayla.” His voice was quiet, devoid of emotion.
    “We have to report this. We—”
    He turned to look at her. “Reporting it would accomplish nothing.”
    “I don’t believe this.” Her voice rose even higher. “They both just walked into the freaking Gulf of Mexico and changed into—”
    “Whales, actually. Not one of the large species.” Will’s expression never changed. “They’re shape-shifters. They’re sea creatures in their animal forms.”
    He said this in the same tone of voice he’d use to explain why the sun would come up in the morning.
    She started to shake and slowly back away from him. He was crazy. Had to be. “Shape-shifters?” Why not? A cat had spoken in her head and Sparkle had said a vampire owned Nirvana.
    Will didn’t move, didn’t try to stop her. “I’m sorry.”
    He didn’t look sorry, only angry. “You might not want to mention this to Sparkle. Once opened, some doors can never be closed.”
    “Who are you?” Her question came out in a frightened whisper. “How did you know what they were?”
    He shrugged and looked back at the Gulf. “Just someone who knows that things aren’t always what they seem.”
    Kayla turned away then.
Calm down. Breathe deeply. You’ve made it through talking cats, vampires, sorcerers, and goddesses. What do a few shape-shifters matter? You can handle this.
    Her mind had it all figured out. Unfortunately, her body didn’t get the message. Her heart pounded and she fought for each breath while she concentrated on not running back to the castle.
Walk. You are in control
. As she crossed the lobby, Kayla barely noted the lack of any sewage smell. She didn’t even wonder how Sparkle had gotten rid of it so quickly.
    Once she was back in her room, she’d get a grip. No panic, just rational thoughts. This was just a job. Okay, a really bizarre one.
    “I sense a shitload of panic, confusion, and fear. Anything Sparkle or I can help with?”
    The voice in her head again. She looked down. The gray cat, no, Ganymede stared up at her from wide amber eyes. Oh, shit. “No.”
    “Why not? Haven’t we welcomed you with open arms? Okay, open paws? Hey, Sparkle hasn’t even tried to hook you up with anyone. She usually starts working on that within an hour tops.”
He padded along beside her.
“What’s the problem?”
    She stopped walking. “
the problem. And Sparkle telling me that the owner of Nirvana is a vampire, that’s another problem. And . . .” Should she mention the shape-shifters?
Once opened, some doors can never be closed
. No. Not now. “Do I need anything else?” She tried to ignore a nearby couple watching her talk to herself.
    “Maybe we should all sit down and have a nice long talk.”
Ganymede glanced toward the door leading to the great hall as though he expected someone to burst through it at any moment.
    Not surprisingly, someone did. Sparkle hurried toward them. Kayla didn’t doubt that the cat who had talked in
head had also put out a silent call to Sparkle.
    “I hear that you’re upset.” Sparkle looped her arm through Kayla’s and steered her toward a room near the restaurant. “Let’s sit for a moment and talk about it.” She sighed. “No use putting it off any longer. I suppose it’s time for those

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