Wicked Edge

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Book: Wicked Edge by Nina Bangs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nina Bangs
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her. Thankfully, Hope was too busy gulping air to say anything.
    Someone had drawn a shade over the glass door and put a CLOSED sign up. But a light was on inside, and Passion could hear voices. She tried to listen past her labored breathing.
    A shrill scream from inside reached her. Female. Passion didn’t try to analyze the tone. A scream was a scream. Suddenly, Dacian appeared beside her. She couldn’t stop her startled yelp. How did he move that silently?
    “Edge isn’t anywhere in the castle.”
    “Someone inside just screamed.” She raised her hand to ring the bell.
    “Too slow.” Dacian narrowed his gaze on the door, and it exploded inward.
    Whoa. Passion took an involuntary step back. Hope found enough breath to shriek. Luckily, no one else was on the street.
    Passion followed Dacian into the store and then froze. Oh, crap.
    Sparkle sprawled across a large display counter. Chocolates, jelly beans, and gummy bears, along with her four-inch stilettos, litteredthe floor. Her long red hair spread like flame across the counter. She didn’t look frightened. She looked…
    This was embarrassing. Passion shifted her attention to the man who’d been leaning over Sparkle. He’d straightened to stare at them.
    Tall, shirtless, muscular with broad shoulders, he wore a scowl that made her want to turn and slink away. She got an impression of worn jeans tucked into calf-high boots and a black T–shirt lying on the floor at his feet.
    She widened her eyes as she took a good look at his face. Wow, beautiful but frightening. The face of a fallen angel, not that she’d ever seen one. And that face was framed by thick blond hair that skimmed his shoulders. Wait, there was something about his eyes…But Passion’s attention wandered from his eyes as she got a look at the blackness swirling around him. Another irredeemable one? What were the chances of there being so many in one spot?
    “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” His voice suggested that bad things happened to people who blew in his door.
    Dacian raked his fingers through his dark hair. “Sorry, Ganymede. Passion said Edge was on his way to kill you. Both of you are dumbasses for locking me out of your minds. I couldn’t warn you, and I couldn’t find him. Then Passion heard a scream.” He shrugged.
    “Of ecstasy, dear, all ecstasy.” Sparkle slid the tip of her tongue across her bottom lip as she stared up at the man above her.
    “Ganymede?” It couldn’t be. That gorgeous man couldn’t be the pudgy gray cat she’d met outside the castle.
    “Watch it, babe. Pudgy gray cats have feelings too.”
    Passion sucked in a startled breath. It was Ganymede’s voice in her head.
    Ganymede’s glare said he wasn’t forgetting about the ruined door and his interrupted moment with Sparkle, but he was putting it aside while he dealt with the Edge thing. “Look around. No Edge. Nothing to worry about. He might not like me, but he knows therules. He kills me—not that it could ever happen—and the Big Boss destroys him. Edge has scary control; don’t know how he does it. Anyway, he’ll get over what’s bugging him.” Ganymede’s expression hinted that maybe they should leave before he crushed them like the squashed gummy bears beneath his feet. “When you leave, Dacian, prop that door up so we’ll have some privacy.”
    No, he couldn’t just dismiss the danger. Passion spoke up. “Edge is coming. I know he is. And he’s not in his right mind. Don’t be stupid.”
    “Stupid?” Ganymede skewered her with a piercing glare. “Be careful, angel wannabe.” He took a step toward her to emphasize his threat.
    God, he must be at least six feet five.
    “Leave. Now. It takes time for me to shift to human form. I made the effort tonight so my cupcake and I could lower our stress levels.” He turned to Dacian. “Make me lose any quality time with her tonight, and I might do something. Bad.” He lifted his hands and made an exaggerated sweep of the

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