his true colors in September of 1993. Slowly Charlie began to stop giving Jada money. It started with an occasional no, when all Jada had been accustomed to hearing from Charlie was yes. This caught her by surprise, but Charlie still gave her
money, so she didn’t complain. He was still giving her crack, although he wasn’t giving it to her as freely. Charlie started demanding more from Jada in order for her to get high.
She woke up one afternoon from an eleven-hour “nap” and took a long shower. She got out, dried off, and threw on some shorts and a T-shirt. She was hungry, so she headed for the kitchen to fix a sandwich. As she passed the living room, she saw that Charlie’s friend Gordon had stopped by. She greeted him and proceeded toward the kitchen. She listened to the men laughing and talking in the next room while she fixed her sandwich. She sat down and ate it, and drank close to the whole half gallon of juice in the refrigerator. She was wondering how to get Charlie’s attention, so that she could get high without being rude and interrupting his conversation. But as if he’d read her mind, Charlie joined her in the kitchen and greeted her smiling.
“Hey, sleeping beauty. Good to see you up and at ‘em.”
Jada smiled. “Can I get something to smoke while you talk to your friend?” she asked.
Charlie tilted his head to the side. “Well, I was hoping you would come and talk to my friend, too,” he said. He smiled again, though thistime it seemed a little wicked. “I told Gordon about that thing I taught you last night, and he wants to see it.”
Jada stood, dumbfounded. Surely he wasn’t asking her to give him head in front of his friend. “I can’t do that in front of him. I don’t feel comfortable—”
“I thought you wanted to get high.” Charlie lit a cigarette and blew the smoke in her direction. The cloud loomed in front of her, and she trembled nervously. She did want to get high. She looked at Charlie, hoping he would tell her that he was only kidding. But instead he walked back into the living room, leaving her with the option of following him and getting high, or sitting in the kitchen and fiending. She stood there and debated within herself for several minutes, before reluctantly following him into the living room.
She looked at Gordon. He was a nice-looking older man—older than Mr. Charlie. He lived in the neighborhood with his churchgoing wife. He smiled at her, and she looked away. She looked again at Charlie, hoping he would spare her this indignity. But he unzipped his pants, unbuckled his belt, and spread his legs, allowing her easy access.
Jada slowly walked toward him and kneeled before him. She took his dick in her hands, blocking out the third person in the room and pretending she was alone with Mr. Charlie, like usual. She wrapped her hand tightly around the base of his dick and sucked the head. Her hand matched the rhythm of her mouth, and Charlie was in ecstasy. He moaned and fondled her; Gordon watched closely. Finally, he came, and Jada waited anxiously for her reward.
Charlie sat collecting his breath, and Jada stood to her feet and waited. Gordon sat back with an aroused expression on his face. To Jada’s surprise, he unzipped his pants and stroked his dick as he stared at her. Jada looked at Charlie confused, and he nodded in his friend’s direction. “Now, be nice, baby girl. Show Gordon some love, too.”
Jada stood frozen in disbelief. “Charlie, please,” she protested, her eyes pleading with Charlie not to make her suck his friend’s dick. That was too much for her, and she didn’t want to do it. “I don’t wanna do that.”
Charlie looked at her silently for several moments. “I’m asking you todo something for a friend, and you tell me no? I don’t think you like it when I
tell you
Jada fought back tears, and looked at Charlie with new
She wanted to be high badly, so she did it. She got on her knees in front of Gordon
Ian Rankin
Monica Alexander
Deryn Lake
David Bernstein
Raen Smith
Patrick Touher
Lisa Childs
Breanna Hayse
Dalton Fury
Michael Boatman