Where Their Hearts Collide: Wardham Book #2

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Book: Where Their Hearts Collide: Wardham Book #2 by Zoe York Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zoe York
scrambled up to the head of the bed and fluffed up a couple of pillows to recline against. “Okay.”
    “I love the little panting noises you were making as you did that, Karen.” His words dripped over her skin like sweet oil. “Listening to you made me hard.”
    “Yes, really.” He sounded amused, but in a way that included her. “Everything about you turns me on.”
    “Wow. Okay, I like that.”
    “Good. Are you wearing anything else?”
    “A bra and…panties. They match.”
    “Describe them.”
    “They’re pink, pale pink, and mostly see-through.” She paused as he groaned and shifted. He was right. The little noises were awesome. “The underwear are bikini style, so they just have little straps on the sides. The bra is a demi-cup—”
    “Off. Take them off.” The words came out strangled and her heart swelled at the effect she was having on him. “Wait. Just the bra. Leave the panties on. I want your hand inside them. Imagine the fabric pressing against your skin is my hand guiding you.”
    Her bra sailed across the room and she wiggled into the center of the bed , pausing for a second to put her phone on speaker. “Guiding me to do what?”
    “First, we’re going to find out if you’re wet. Are you wet for me, darlin’?” If she wasn’t already—which she totally was—she would be after that question.
    “Yes.” Her answer came out in a breathless rush.
    “One hand in your panties, the other cupping a breast. Don’t touch your nipples yet.”
    She wasn’t going to, that wasn’t something she would normally do when touching herself, but as soon as he gave that directive, she was suddenly aware of both nipples, her areolas pebbling and the dark pink tips jutting sharply toward the ceiling. She licked her lips, imagining him above her, propped up on his forearms, gazing at her breasts. She plumped up her left breast, offering him a taste. Her right hand, previously nestled on top of her pubic hair, now drifted lower to press on her sex. “What are you doing?”
    “I’ve got my eyes closed. One hand on my cock, moving up and down, nice and slow, the other holding this phone so hard it might just break.”
    She shifted her head to look at her bedroom wall. Thirty feet separated their bare skin. “Are you imagining that it’s me touching you?”
    “Not right now. I’ve had that fantasy before, though. We’re in the shower. You wrap your fingers around me until I come all over your stomach. But right now, I’m there, in your bedroom, standing at the foot of your bed, watching you touch yourself.”
    “I want you on top of me.”
    “I’ll get there. Right now I want your legs as wide as they can get. You’ve got the longest legs. They’re so hot. I get distracted every time I see you in shorts, thinking about th em wrapped around my waist.”
    Her pussy clenched under her roving fingers. She needed to buy more shorts.
    “I’m looking at you now. In my head, you’re not wearing anything, and I can see how wet you are.” She gasped at the picture he was painting. She wasn’t a virgin, not by a long shot, but to the best of her recollection, no one had ever looked at her spread eagle on a bed. If anyone else had suggested it, she’d be mortified. But Paul…his appraisal would be heated and wonderful. He’d make sure to reward her vulnerability. And she’d be able to watch him, watching her. See how it affected him.
    “What do you look like?” She was most definitely in an altered state if she was blithely asking him to describe his erection. “I know what it feels like, but…we’ve never seen each other naked.”
    “My cock? It’s…I don’t know, it’s a cock. It’s hard. The head is dark red, almost purple, and right now it’s throbbing to be inside you.”
    She seriously might faint before this was over. “Nice. I’d like to see it.”
    “I’d like that too. I could come ov—”
    “No! Not…not today. This is probably where we should…you

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