Where Memories Are Made

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Book: Where Memories Are Made by Lynda Page Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynda Page
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was pick the right people for his purposes, get the money to pay them, and then he could put his plan into operation. And that’s what he was doing now: amassing his working capital by ways that had stood him in good stead before, but this time doubly conscious he must not get caught. He begrudged the time he was having to put his plan on hold; he wanted to be living the high life right now, the kind of life he should always have been living had it not been unjustly denied him. But he’d waited this long so a while more would not kill him. And then, when he did finally get his hands on his inheritance it would be doubly sweet.
    People would think him witless to return to an area where he’d been notorious in the past for his criminal activities and which he’d had to leave in a hurry while he readied himself to carry out his plan, but he knew he was safe coming back to this area due to the dramatic change in his appearance. Sometimes he himself did a double take before the mirror, not yet having grown completely used to the thin face that stared back at him instead of the old grossly fat one. He was positive no one else would recognise him. The main reason he’d come back was that he knew the locals gossiped and that way he could find out everything that was going on in Jolly’s. Forewarned was forearmed. He had already discovered to his great delight that his half-brother Dan had recently been killed in an accident. This was going to make Michael’s quest so much easier.

    B y the following Friday, much to Jackie’s relief, nothing more catastrophic had happened than a rotund camper getting his face wedged tight in the hole on a photo board depicting comic cowboys and it taking several staff and jars of vaseline to free him. All talk of the food poisoning incident had died down.
    Pulling a letter confirming a future booking and the receipt for a deposit out of her typewriter, and separating the carbon papers from between its copies, Jackie complained to Al who was in the process of typing out envelopes for her, ‘I do love my job but there are some bits of it that are repetitive. You’d think there was a genius out there somewhere who could invent a machine to duplicate a letter or form so that it appeared to be an original and we didn’t have to type out each one individually. It would make our lives so much easier, and the time saved … I’d kiss his feet in undying gratitude!’
    Al laughed. ‘I’d settle for an automatic filing machine. Mind you, I do like filing as then I can let my thoughts wander and dream about the future.’ He added hurriedly, in case Jackie should ask what that dream was, ‘Oh, while at the same time keeping my eye on the files, of course.’
    She chuckled. ‘I do the same when I’m filing only I don’t need to dream about my future, I already know what that is.’ She told him confidently, ‘I’ll be happily married to my boyfriend Keith, looking after our children.’ Then she asked him the question Al had hoped she wouldn’t. ‘So what future are you dreaming of?’
    He looked at her blankly for a moment before saying dismissively, ‘Oh, I’ve nothing particular in mind.’ A light on the switchboard lit up and a buzzing sound began. As Al responded to it, Jackie wondered if it was her imagination that he’d seemed glad of the diversion. She felt he knew exactly what future he had in mind for himself but for some reason didn’t want to share it with her. She wondered why?
    Having put the caller through to the girls on reception, Al replaced the receiver and returned to sorting through the pile of filing. He had something to ask Jackie but had been stalling in case her answer wasn’t the one he wanted to hear. His assignment with Jolly’s had been for two weeks. Today that time was up and as Jackie hadn’t told him otherwise he assumed

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