When I Find You: A Trust No One Novel

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Book: When I Find You: A Trust No One Novel by Dixie Lee Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dixie Lee Brown
caution in them confused her, but she had to ask and pressed on before she lost her nerve. “I know it’s not your problem, but will you help me think it through when the time comes?”
    His expression softened as his gaze held hers. “I’ll do what I can.”
    Why his words filled her with so much relief and hope was something she would ask herself later. She was too tired right now, and it was quite possible her brain was muddled by the Scotch. She smiled, then tucked her head beneath his chin and closed her eyes.
    A WARNING BELL went off in Walker’s head. When he worked, he followed certain self-imposed rules. Don’t do more than the job calls for. Don’t offer advice. Don’t get involved. There were more, but those were the three he seemed powerless to keep from violating at the moment. She was in more trouble than she was aware of, but that wasn’t the reason he’d agreed to help her. He couldn’t seem to squelch the overriding need to protect her, even knowing nothing good could possibly come from it, and it would very likely get him in trouble with the marshals—and Joe.
    Her body fit just right pressed against his, and she smelled so damn good, even after taking a dip in the river and then sitting beside a campfire. That little half smile she wore on her full lips as she dozed had him wondering what they tasted like. Walker pushed those thoughts away angrily. What the hell was he thinking? He was headed down a rocky path and should know better. He could keep Darcy safe and still do his job objectively. He’d always managed before.
    But his job had never been Darcy. There was something about her. The way she kept going on determination alone. The way she worried about others when she was the one in danger. She was a sweet and naïve young woman. He had no business having any thoughts about her, except how to get her out of here alive.
    His chest and side where she leaned were warm and it was comfortable having her there, drifting in and out of sleep. When he pushed her away from him and half-rose to tend the fire before it went out, she moaned her protest.
    “No, stay . . .” She clung to him, twisting her hands into the fabric of his shirt.
    He sat back down and began to gently extricate himself from her grasp. “The fire’s going out. Let me take care of it and I’ll come back and be your pillow.”
    “Were you . . . trying to get me . . . drunk? Cuz . . . I think it worked.” She snorted a laugh.
    Her words slurred badly and Walker smiled. He’d given her the Scotch to warm and relax her. Clearly, he’d let her drink too much. “Hell, I didn’t even have to try.”
    “I don’t know your name.”
    “Walker.” He worked one of her hands free and started on the other one, but she grabbed another handful of shirt as she studied him.
    “That’s a last name. What’s your first name?”
    “It’s just Walker.”
    “I can’t call you by your last name without a Mr. attached—Mr. Walker.”
    “No problem. That’ll work.” He frowned as his gaze lingered on her lips. “It might even remind me how sweet and innocent you are so I stop thinking about . . .” He swore under his breath and tore his gaze away from her face. Shit! Way to let his mouth run unattended. Why was he letting this girl get to him?
    “Thinking about what?” She studied him curiously, then drew in a sharp breath. “You want to kiss me. That’s it—isn’t it?”
    She really was drunk, and she’d either not remember this conversation in the morning or be mortified, but for right now, a little fear of God was in order for her protection. He tugged gently on a strand of her hair. “A kiss is only a small part of what I had in mind.”
    Her eyes widened. That was the effect he wanted. The extent of his lechery would make it clear how dangerous he was, and self-preservation should kick in and keep her at a safe distance. Should have—but his innuendo didn’t seem to faze her.
    Her smile broadened. “How

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