When Honey Got Married
for the one face she longed for. There was Brent’s older brother, Griff, lounging his elegant frame against the bar with the lazy grace of a big wicked jungle cat on the prowl. He was the one all the girls had been crazy for. Tall, rich, and smokin’ hot. Why couldn’t Honey have gone for him and left Brent for the woman who could truly appreciate his more subtle qualities?
    That was when she saw him. Brent.
    Her pulse revved up.
    Almost simultaneously, as though they were linked by some cosmic force, Brent glanced up and saw her . As his gaze held hers across the room, her heart did that crazy little spin. She was barely aware of Honey at his side, looking spectacular in an elegant lemon-yellow dress, shooting a quick anxious glance between them. For this moment in time and space, Eve’s entire being was centered on Brent.
    “Now aren’t they the perfect couple?”
    Hearing that smooth deep voice in her ear, Eve nearly jumped out of her skin. A thrill shocked through her, whether of pure fear or excitement she couldn’t quite tell.
    Rainer had materialized beside her, his large, powerful body swamping her in an almost overwhelming force field of stirring masculinity.
    It was so disconcerting. This was her moment, her beautiful entrance, probably one of the most significant in her life, and this big lunk had to spoil it.
    And there was no warning the likes of him away. While she was doing her best to pretend he wasn’t there, Honey broke into a dazzling smile and surged toward them both, hands outstretched.
    “Why, Rainer. And—Eve. So glad y’all could come.”
    Rainer bent his dark head to kiss Honey—quite tenderly, it seemed to Eve—then strode to Brent and clapped him on the shoulder.
    Honey turned to Eve, the smile in her warm brown eyes the teensiest bit strained. Hesitating the barest instant, she leaned forward and grazed Eve’s cheek with hers.
    That small hesitation pained Eve and made her heart thump uncomfortably. She liked Honey, she truly did. She didn’t deserve this bad feeling she sensed clouding the air. What did Honey have to complain about, anyway? Eve had allowed her to walk off with the man she believed could be her true and rightful soulmate, without even putting up a fight.
    Maybe she shouldn’t have. Maybe she should have stood her ground. This could have been her wedding rehearsal dinner. It wasn’t fair that Honey should make her feel like some dangerous femme fatale when Eve was the one who’d made the noble sacrifice and walked away.
    She became aware of an edgy little pause in the conversation, and realized the other three were all looking expectantly at her. Rainer’s gray eyes were veiled, yet somehow alert.
    Fine, then. Her cue.
    Breathlessly, assuming her most winsome smile, she gazed into Brent’s eyes and placed her hand in his. Let their palms commingle to generate a little harmless electricity.
    “Hello.” Her racing heart made her sound quite throaty.
    “Come now,” Brent said gruffly, pulling her toward him. “You can do better than that. My favorite assistant.” He bent to brush her cheek with his lips, rested his hand lightly in the small of her back.
    Ohhh. Emotion seethed in Eve’s heart. She closed her eyes to savor the precious contact, but tragically, it was over far too soon. With Honey standing there, Brent hadn’t even been truly able to hold her in his arms. He probably hadn’t even had time to catch a whiff of the Sin she’d doused herself in. His favorite.
    As they separated, leaving her grieving heart bereft, something dragged her glance sideways. With a jolt she collided with Rainer’s cool, level gaze.
    That glint in his eyes. WTF? Who did he think he was? Her conscience ?
    She turned her back on him.
    Brent and Honey started chatting to her then, for all the world like a single item, showering her with their entwined happiness. A bona fide couple, asking her about her exciting new career, Manhattan, her fantastic new life.
    So kind. So

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