When Empires Fall
Hanging on the wall behind the front desk was an oversized mural of the New York City skyline at night, with the Vasser Hotel logo in scripted letters that hung an inch or so out from the wall, backlit with a wash of golden light.
    Feeling more than a little overwhelmed, Quinn made her way towards the front desk, her eyes on the young man with russet hair and skinny features standing there looking busy, the black polo shirt he wore bearing a gold Vasser Hotel emblem.
    “Hi,” Quinn greeted, startling him as she leaned against the counter, all smiles.
    “Hello,” Walter answered, snapping out of his reverie and managing a small smile in return. “How can I help you?”
    “Today’s my first day. I’m Quinn Taylor.” She held out her hand to shake his, and he seemed a bit flustered as he accepted the handshake.
    “Oh, okay. Um, what is it you do?”
    “I’m Mr. Vasser’s new secretary.”
    “Which one?”
    “Honestly, I don’t remember.” She laughed at herself again, and managed to get a laugh out of him as well.
    “Oh man, okay. Wait here.” He disappeared into the offices behind him, leaving her alone. She tried not to be embarrassed, and hoped she wasn’t going to end up being technically late to her desk, wherever it was, because she didn’t know which Mr. Vasser she worked for. In fact, had Marshall even mentioned the name of the guy she was working for now? Surely she would have remembered, as her mind was usually a steel trap for things like names.
    Just then, Walter reappeared from the offices with another man, who looked at her with a quick grin and cheerful blue eyes set in a roguishly handsome face. He eyed her thoughtfully for a moment, then ran a hand through his waves of chestnut hair and turned to Walter.
    “You’ve been replaced, Walter. She’s much prettier than you,” Linc joked, causing Walter to look horribly offended.
    “No way you’re replacing me. I’m awesome and you know it.”
    “Yeah, but I think you can agree with me when I say I’d rather look at her every day than your greasy mug.”
    Walter frowned as he looked over at Quinn, whose dark eyebrows had raised in amusement.
    “But I work for free. I assume she wants to get paid.”
    “That’s because she is what we call an employee. You, on the other hand, are my bitch. Besides, you get something much more valuable than money from me, Walter. You get my knowledge and guidance, which, let me tell you, is priceless.”
    “Boys?” Quinn interjected, waving so they would both look at her. “While I find this all very flattering, I am in fact already employed to work for Mr. Vasser, so if neither of you are him, then please tell me where to find him so I can get started. It’s nearly nine o’clock and I really don’t want to be late for my first day.”
    Linc flashed her another quick grin, then leaned over the counter towards her with his hand outstretched. “As a matter of fact, I am Mr. Vasser. But you can call me Linc.”
    “Oh.” Quinn stared at his hand for a moment, then reached out to shake it, a bit unsure. “You’re Marshall’s nephew?”
    “I am.”
    “So I am replacing him?” She pointed to Walter, who just shrugged.
    “Nope.” Linc grinned again and winked at her playfully. “Unfortunately, I am not the Mr. Vasser you seek. You’re gonna be working for my brother, Grant. He’s upstairs.”
    “So you’re nephew number one, got it.” She smiled as her eyes shot to the elevators. “Which floor is nephew number two on?”
    “I’ll take you,” Linc offered, already skirting around the front desk to meet up with her. “Despite what everyone says, chivalry is in fact not dead.”
    Quinn snorted out a laugh, rolling her eyes at him as he came up beside her. He was less than a foot taller than her, athletically built and quite handsome. But she knew his type; men like him could be slick as eels and just as dangerous. He was the kind of guy a girl could fall head over heels for in an instant,

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