What the Waves Bring

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Book: What the Waves Bring by Barbara Delinsky Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Delinsky
wineglass, and urged her on. “Your story, please.” He poured the wine, demonstrating the fine art with a concluding twist that ranked favorably with that of even the finest of wine stewards.

    â€œA bartender?” She couldn’t resist the quip. “Is that what you did for a living?”
    Ignoring her gentle teasing, he gallantly touched his glass to hers. “I’m waiting.”
    The command performance began softly. “What can I say? I’ve spent most of my life in and around New York.”
    â€œYou were born there?”
    â€œUh-huh. My family has a home on Long Island, a summer home in Bar Harbor. That’s in Maine …”
    He nodded his understanding. “Your parents?”
    â€œGeorge and Sheila Wilde. George is the president and chairman of the board of Wilde Enterprises, headquartered in Manhattan. Sheila is president and chairman of the board of her own very exclusive social circle.”
    â€œIs that a note of sarcasm I detect?” His eyes studied her closely as she sipped her wine.
    â€œI suppose so.” It was a reluctant admission that she felt called for an explanation. “She always assumed I’d follow in her footsteps. You know, country-club leader, charity hostess, belle of the ball, so to speak. She’s perfect for it. I’m not. When I balked and insisted I wanted a career, we had a mild falling out.”
    Heath stopped her gently. “Whoa. You’re getting ahead of me. Let’s go back a bit. Your childhood—what was it like?”
    April eyed him sharply. “Why is it that I get the feeling of being on a psychiatrist’s couch? I don’t make a habit of discussing this with just anyone, you know. Say,” she said, stalling for time, “were you a psychiatrist? Just think, perhaps we’re colleagues of sorts.” She cocked her head and studied him, finding pleasure in the relaxation of his features. “No, on second thought, not a psychiatrist.”
    â€œWhyever not?”
    â€œFor one thing, you don’t wear horn-rimmed glasses. For another, you’re too well put together.” When Heath
looked down at his castaway costume she burst into spontaneous laughter. “No! Your mind, Heath!”
    The smile he flashed her quickened her pulse. “That’s just because I have so little on my mind. Once it all comes back …” As his words trailed off, their eyes met. The return of his memory was the end goal, yet at the moment it would be a raw intrusion on the peace of the scene. Heath cleared his throat. “Your childhood, April. Was it a happy one?”
    Appreciative of diversion from that other thought, she continued reminiscing. “Yes, it was happy. I had a good home, fine clothes, the best of schooling. I went to a private school in New York, spent my junior year in high school on an exchange program in France.”
    A dark eyebrow arched. “Very nice.”
    â€œIt was. Most summers we spent in Maine.” Her eye trailed to the window. “Perhaps that’s why this place appealed to me—on the ocean and all.” Her thoughts returned to the story. “I was fortunate enough to be able to travel. I’ve seen most of Europe, Scandinavia, some of the Middle East, and parts of South America. The islands of the Caribbean are my favorites, particularly in the middle of the northeast winter!”
    â€œI see your point,” Heath agreed. “What about friends, April? Surely there must have been many—plus a string of men at your beck and call.”
    April winced involuntarily. “I do have friends. And I’ve had my share of male companionship.” She paused, and he waited.
    â€œYes … ?”
    â€œYes, what?”
    â€œYou ended in the middle of your thought. I have to believe there’s more to that particular story.”
    Her features grew more taut. “You’re right.”
    â€œWell, don’t keep

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