What Happens in Vegas...After Dark

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Book: What Happens in Vegas...After Dark by Lauren Dane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Dane
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I’d managed to keep from commenting on how much I loved her, in return.
    I let those three words become a mantra in my head now, as my anus clenched its anxiety. Not bothering to hide my grimace, I turned around midway through the kitchen.
    “Could you make my ass pucker a little harder?”
    Amusement gleamed in her eyes with her laughter. She stopped laughing then to cross the few feet to me. Pressing her bountiful breasts against my chest, she wrapped her arms around my neck and met my lips with a soft, sweet openmouthed kiss.
    A tender smile curved her lips as she eased her head back a couple inches. “Sorry. I couldn’t resist. Seriously, though, if you can trust me enough to relax and do as I say, you’re going to love it.”

    If I didn’t trust Deitre, I would never have agreed to be in this position in the first place. And if I didn’t love her already, I would have fallen for her the second that tender smile emerged. Her kiss had been just as gentle. Both seemed packed with affection.
    I let that thought warm me as I accepted my fate. “Where do you want me?”
    Approval flashing over her face, she unroped her arms from my neck. “Get naked and lay on the couch. I’ll be in to join you in a minute or two.”
    The one time I would expect to hear command in her voice, there was none. Just more of that gentle persuasion that managed to soothe my frayed nerves, if only partway.
    I started to backstep toward the living room, then stalled to ask, “Do you want me on my front or back?”
    “It’s up to you. The element of surprise can be nice.”
    My nerves reared up full steam as I stripped off my clothes and lay naked on the couch. Folding my arms beneath me, I tucked my face into their opening. I wasn’t convinced the element of surprise would be a reward for lying on my front, but I knew I didn’t want her seeing my face when she jammed that plug up my ass and I started bawling like a baby.
    Closing my eyes, I pulled in a few deep breaths and attempted to relax. A half minute later, the flat of a hand swatted across my ass, jarring my eyes back open and jerking the air from my throat.
    With her voice once more dripping Southern seduction, Deitre remarked, “Stellar view, bad boy.”
    Stifling a cry, I squeezed my butt cheeks as a sting raised on their surface and dull ache shot through my groin. Ache that was just going to grow increasingly worse. Fuck me.
    My voice muff led against my arms, I said, “Where’s my lube?”
    “Tonight, I’m in total control, Ryan.” Her hand contacted with my butt again, this time as a warm caress. “All you’re going to feel is ecstasy.”
    Ecstasy was about as far removed from my mind as possible. Or so I thought until she kept up with softly petting my ass. Her fingers dipped down to push between my thighs and stroke along my perineum. By rote, my legs spread farther apart and my hips canted an inch off the couch as a zing of awareness rocketed to my cock.
    Her breasts rubbed against my bare back. The press of her warm, hard nipples suggested she was naked, as wel , at least from the waist up. My shaft roused a little more with the thought. Then more still, as she purred, hot and husky, in my ear, “Just relax, Ry.
    This is going to feel sooo good.”

    Ry. She’d never called me that before. It wasn’t exactly an endearment. But it felt that way as she lifted her breasts from my back and slipped her fingers to my bal s. She fondled the sac with the skil of a woman long in the know about pleasuring a man.
    Cupped and massaged my testicles until my cock was rock-solid and damned uncomfortable wedged beneath me on the couch cushion.
    I groaned with the tension against my dick, and Deitre released my bal s to nudge the tip of something tiny almost to the point of being undetectable into my anus.
    All thought of my aching cock ceased as liquid squirted hard against the inner walls of my rectum. I contracted my sphincter against the invasion. And then felt the

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