What a Fool Believes

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Book: What a Fool Believes by Carmen Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carmen Green
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caused. “I’ve been looking for this room for twenty minutes. The numbers aren’t sequential.”
    Dressed in black pants and black-heeled boots, she marched around like she owned the place. She scrawled her name on a blank name tag, growing exasperated when she couldn’t peel off the waxy back.
    Tearing it in half, she finally peeled it apart, slapped the sticky back on her chest, and ended up in front of Fred, whose mouth hung open. “Here’s my paperwork,” she said.
    Flustered, Fred tried to find the words. “I can’t allow you in this class. Timeliness and perfect attendance are requirements.”
    She looked at his chest. “Fred, I already explained that I couldn’t find the room. So how about you giving me a break?”
    â€œM-m-my hands are tied.”
    Tia folded her arms over her chest and walked toward the already too close instructor. “Fred, I’m here for anger management because I’m angry! So, unless you’re willing to mark me absent, which we know isn’t true, I’m staying.” With that, she plopped into a chair and crossed her legs.
    Fred wiped his comb-over twice, his eyes wide.
    â€œYou should let her in,” Pebbles told Fred. “You can see she’s got issues.”
    Tia looked at the woman. “Thank you. No wonder kids flunk out of school. They can’t ever find their classrooms.”
    The other women chuckled in agreement.
    Byron watched the exchange as if it were a bad play in community theatre.
    â€œOh, okay. Th-this one ... just once,” Fred finally managed. “Let’s get down to business.”
    Byron wondered how long it would be before Tia saw him.
    â€œIntroduce yourself. Starting in the back.”
    â€œI’m Roxy,” the woman said a table up from Byron.
    Tia turned around, saw Byron, and gathered her things. “Is there another class offered at this same time?” she asked Fred.
    â€œNo.” He backpedaled like a frightened golden retriever.
    She shouldered her bag. “I guess I’ll have to do my thirty days in jail.”
    Fred danced like a fire had started in his pocket protector. “I said you could stay, Ms. Uh”—he squinted, a good four inches below the name tag she’d stuck near her shoulder—“wow.”
    â€œLike what you see?” Tia snapped her jacket, and Fred jumped. “Can men only read at breast level?”
    â€œI wasn’t looking at your bre-b—”
    â€œWhat’s my name?” Tia demanded.
    â€œUh ...” Fred looked like he needed a bathroom. “I don’t know.”
    â€œCase closed. Can we move on?” Tia remained standing.
    Byron pitied Fred, who had wiped his comb-over so often, it had crested at the crown of his head. Then he collapsed in his chair.
    â€œPlease, somebody introduce yourself. Give a brief explanation as to why you’re here. Start here.” Fred motioned to Tia, without looking.
    â€œI’m Tia. I’m here because my ex-fiancé cheated on me, and I got caught redecorating his car by a heartless police officer who thought I was making a play for him when I was really fainting, then gave me a black eye, and arrested me, anyway.”
    The gushed words came to an abrupt halt.
    â€œWhat a jerk,” Roxy said. “He’s probably jealous because he doesn’t have a woman.”
    Breakfast with Lynn had been an illusion. Having her at his house when he got home this morning had made him want her there.
    Someone there, he corrected. Not necessarily her. Yet, he hadn’t told her not to come back tomorrow.
    â€œShe’d probably leave him because he’s too busy minding other people’s business and not earning any money,” the purse lady said.
    â€œGet him fired,” Pebbles added. “I’ll bet most of us are here because of a man.”
    The women started clapping like they were in church. Byron wondered

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