aware of the power of the Zir brothers and of how long they had searched for their origins. He would simply explain to the duke that his new wife was the key to Jordan’s existence, that she was Jordan’s Zir soul partner, the mate he had searched five hundred years for. Hudson would understand what needed to be done. He was, after all, friends with the stranger elements that drifted in and out of the Ton . Jordan took the steps two at a time up to the porch and yanked the door pull.
He stared at a pronounced stripe of wood grain in the large door.
And waited.
Odd he had never noticed that stripe before. He pulled down on his waistcoat and cleared his throat.
And waited.
Bloody hell. He never had to wait to enter. What torture this was. Why was the butler away from the door?
He leaned to the side and with as little grace as possible peered through the tall, wavy glass window that flanked the enormous walnut door. Invisible shards of ice swirled about Jordan’s ankles and shot straight up his spine. He tensed his stomach, and visions of each room in the house rushed at him.
She was not there.
No one was.
What in hell was amiss now? Where was Celeste?
The vision of her in a carriage flashed to his consciousness.
Rough rope dug into the delicate skin of her wrists and the side of her jaw, and her shoulders ached with pain. Her heartbeat rapped a steady drum in her chest. Hudson sat opposite her with his skin snow-pale and eyes filled with the now-glowing sun.
Damn it. Jordan hated the way Hudson leered at Celeste. Her hands lay wrapped in a tattered rope and… Hudson had shanghaied her by force.
Bloody hell. This was the one time he wished he was Ilmir. Jordan couldn’t transform into air. He clenched his jaw and fisted his hands.
He spun back to the drive and his carriage. The gray raven sat on a fence. The bird tilted its head to the side, and its green eyes flashed. Jordan jerked, and the vision of the ancient castle, its walls shimmering with rubies and sapphires, surrounded him again. He didn’t have time for this.
In his mind, he stared down at an intricately carved ebony box. Within the box, nestled in a bed of white and blue precious stones, lay four large stone-like eggs. The woman with dark ebony skin and black hair that hung down to her waist stood next to him over the box.
“I shall protect you always.” She waved her hands in the air above the box and sprinkled herbs and brown liquid on the stones.
“ Bring frem og beskyt.
“Transformer disse elementer og æg med magten af mit blod og magi.
“Begyndelse og en unægtelig evig fremtid af kraft.”
She spoke Nordic, the language of the elements, and Jordan understood her words. Bring forth and protect. Nurture. Hide. Transform these elements and eggs with the power of my blood and magic. Inception and an undeniable eternal future of strength.
Her body jerked, her head fell back, mouth open, as she released a primal moan to the ceiling. Her teeth extended into sharp bone shards from her gums. She leaned forward and bit her wrist, then squeezed her hand, and her body convulsed. A stream of her blood trickled down onto the stone eggs. She turned and stared at Jordan.
Jordan flinched. “What the hell?” Then he was back on the Duke of Hudson’s front stoop. The gray bird was gone.
Who was this ebony woman? Twice now she had come to him in visions. He frowned.
Celeste had said a woman now spoke to her. Maybe that was the connection… He had visions of her, and Celeste could hear her.
And the stone eggs… Were they Zir eggs?
Tension clenched his stomach, and he crunched forward to capture the visions of the elements.
Celeste’s fingers wrapped about his bicep from the carriage seat. She knew he would search for her. That he watched her. If she came near any form of water, he would be there in an instant. The carriage passed a wood sign with the painted word Harwich . They headed toward the coast.
He rushed
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