watching january

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Book: watching january by kamilla murphy Read Free Book Online
Authors: kamilla murphy
before, albeit with big grins.  When Nadine asked her daughter what she’d done, Heather laughed and said, “Roger may be on to something.  This watching thing is a turn on, even if you are my parents.”  She chuckled again before adding, “I think it’s great to see how hot you guys can be at your age.”  We all laughed at that one.  Roger and Heather exited the hot tub, and along with Nadine went into the main part of the house, ostensibly to refill their drinks.  Griffin and I stepped back into the tub.
    “Are you enjoying me?” I asked him coyly.
    “Jan, oh Jan, you’re the hottest, but dammit, I want you all to myself, which is difficult with Roger wanting to be there and my wife horning in on you.”
    “I think I understand, Griff,” I said.  “You have to understand though that I’m married to, and love Roger.  I like you a lot, and love my time spent with you.  You just need to realize that what we have is an extra, something to cherish for what it is.”
    “That’s my problem.  I don’t know what ‘it’ is.  How do I categorize what that ‘extra’ is?  You’re telling me I can’t fall in love with you but perhaps I already have.  So does Roger come with the package?  Will he be there ogling every time we make love?”
    “He doesn’t ogle, and besides what about Nadine?  And Heather for that matter?”
    “Nadine will have no problem if we take our relationship to the next level.  She has her lady friends.” 
    His hands were caressing me while we talked, and it was having the expected effect.  I said, “So, on your end we’ll call it an open marriage.  Well, that might be fine and dandy for you and Nadine but that implies Roger and I would want the same, and we don’t.”
    “Therefore all I am to you is a fuck buddy, a friend with benefits, one of which is to provide your husband with his voyeuristic jollies, right?”
    “Yep, that’s it,” I said sarcastically. “My fuck buddy… so why aren’t you fucking me… now?”
    He took me, not quite in the water yet not quite out of it either.  This wasn’t one of those R-rated movie roll-arounds.  This was acrobatic sex at its rawest, the kind producing more grunts than moans. There was no ramp-up; I was cumming, and kept cumming in one long, glorious orgasm.  My vulva was convulsing so much I never felt him cum.  My only sign was his momentary pause as he was at his deepest within my throbbing vagina.  Then he went back to pounding into me without wilting, and I began to cum again.
    We learned two things from this round: one, being willing and able to turn into rutting animals didn’t prevent us from being sore afterwards; and two, we provided a great show to three horny individuals who just happened to be watching.

    Chapter 12
    When Heather said she couldn’t take it anymore, I thought she meant watching her parents having sex with my wife.  Instead it was the watching she couldn’t take any more of.  Of course I was already rock hard from the sex show happening close by.  I didn’t know she was equally aroused from the voyeurism until she uttered what she did and straddled me.  She must have been extremely lubricated since even underwater she slid down and enveloped my shaft to my balls without much effort.
    I whispered, “Watching them got to you too?”
    She didn’t answer me, although her closed eyes and frantic up-and-down motion spoke for her.  I was in awe that this hot young thing was fucking me with such wild abandon.  Her orgasm came quickly, which was a relief since I knew I wasn’t going to last given her velvety tightness.  She obviously wasn’t thinking protection so it was up to me.  “I’m gonna…pull out…” I muttered.  I lifted her off of me even as she kept bouncing, setting her back down so my cock was in her ass crack as I shot my load.
    “You didn’t mind, did you?” she said mischievously as we relaxed in the tub

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