Wasteland Rules: A New Dawn (The World After Book 3)

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Book: Wasteland Rules: A New Dawn (The World After Book 3) by J.G. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.G. Martin
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are you?”
       “I think Rule #6, mind your own business, applies here
don’t you?” He said jovially.
       “You got me there.” Rora acknowledged. “What about the
deal you made? Are you going to honor it?”
       “That would be tough since the N.R.T. government knows
nothing about General Killian meeting with the Imperator.”
       “Won’t there be trouble when the Imperator doesn’t get
his payoff?” Rora asked with a little concern.
       “Screw the N.R.T. and G-21.” The General snapped. “They
wouldn’t help us, so they are on their own. Besides, the Imperator can’t do much
to hurt the N.R.T. and I’m sure they don’t care much what he thinks.”
       “I thought the Society was about helping mankind?”
       “Some of mankind doesn’t deserve to be helped.”Augie told
her. “And there will always be collateral damage. You have to try to do the
most good for the most people.”
       “Does Dr. Banek share that viewpoint?” She asked.
       “That is one point we disagree on. But he never argues
with my results, so I think we can see who wins the argument.”
       That was interesting to learn. The Society was not the
monolithic organization of do-gooders they pretended to be. Ultimately, they
were like everyone else. The ends justified the means. Their ends might be
nicer than everyone else’s but they were still imposing those ends on others.
She supposed that was just human nature. Still, she would have to be careful of
Augie. He had some hidden depth to him, and she wasn’t sure what he was truly
capable of.
       “What happened to the Major?” Augie asked interrupting
her musing.
       “I thought you might know?” She replied in confusion.
       “All I know is that he isn’t with you and you didn’t say
anything about him being killed, so…”
       “A group of armed men rushed us as soon as we exited the
shuttle. They tased Derek and then dragged him into a Humvee. We saw a plane
take off and fly east shortly after that, right before the gang members first
grabbed us.” Rora informed him.
       “Any idea who they were?”
       “Not a clue. They had no insignia, all of them wore face
masks, and the plane was unmarked. We have to find out who took him and get him
back!” Rora insisted.
       “When we get back I will check with my sources, but I
think we can rule out the U.S.T.G. I think they would have had insignia or
identifiable uniforms.” Augie mused.
       “We ran into the Red Berets on the space station, the
same ones from Florida. I think that is who the U.S.T.G. has pursuing Derek, so
I agree it probably wasn’t the U.S.T.G. But who else would want him?”
       “I can think of a few groups that might have an interest
in him.” Augie replied thoughtfully.
       “Other Illuminati?” Rora asked pointedly.
       “Some crazy things happened here after your mission. I
think maybe you better tell me everything that happened on the station and
after you crashed.” Augie told her. “Then maybe we can figure out what happened
to Derek.”
       It had been a hell of a couple of days for Rora. First
they had barely survived a crash landing in the shuttle. Then Derek had been
snatched from them while they stood by helplessly. Gang members had grabbed
them and they had been forced to make a bloody escape. That was followed by a
wild chase and desperate escapes throughout the city. It finally ended with
their swift capture and near execution, only for them to be saved at the last
minute by a miraculous intervention. She hoped the Red Berets who had shot up
the shuttle and nearly killed them were having as a bad of a day.

Chapter 9
    June 28, 2029
    U.S.T.G. Military Headquarters near Joliet, Illinois
       The feeling of near drowning was indescribable and he
struggled not to panic as they poured the water over the cloth covering his
face. The enhanced interrogation had been going on for at least a day now and
Tom was beginning to weaken. Upon

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