with her statement of independence. Their lips were barely an inch apart and sexual tension swirled around them.
Blaster made sure she knew she was choosing the face they showed. Responding to her with acceptance anyone could see, but not pressing the Neanderthal button. It was her show. Mark was trying to establish himself as the protector when she brought her “friend” into the scene. His display told Blaster more than he wanted to know about the moron. Jas’ reaction added the details.
Mark’s fully inflated ego made it impossible for him to notice that she wasn’t impressed with him. Her aggression-defense skill level was so far above the man, it was laughable. Jas hadn’t shot him down because she needed him for some reason. She was willing to put the pretend relationship up as a shield and was watching to see if Blaster could read the situation or if he’d sink to Mark’s attitude.
Rehearsal was uneventful except for Jas’ frustration. She kept insisting on more intensity. Blaster spent the time leaning against the wall after he’d had a look around the empty building. The fight choreography was interesting. Nicely vicious and deceptively simple while it showed off Jas’ abilities. The men doing the scene with her were standard stunt men, appropriately scruffy for bad guys.
Mark was obviously talented. There were no wasted or outrageous moves in the sequence. He directed the action with an eye to authentic abilities. There was the reason Jas needed him. He excelled at this portion of his job.
Thinking about her putting up with this blustering ass brought a scowl to Blaster’s face. He knew it was part of the business, part of being a gorgeous woman. He’d just never thought about the shit women had to deal with before. Even women who were completely capable of snapping the ass’s neck had to deal with it.
The group was back at the motel by eight-thirty for showers before rushing up to location. Breakfast was eaten on the way to the shoot site. The rest of the crew was already there. Jas only had an hour for makeup and wardrobe and then they were shooting. There was no time to chat privately with either Jas or Barry.
Blaster made sure he was highly visible, introducing himself as Jas’ friend whenever possible. Amused when she noticed his tactic, Jas leaned against him in a calm that wasn’t exactly an act anymore. His behavior told her she could trust him to behave as promised in public. He was a touchy guy, but not rude or invasive. He didn’t get in the way.
Relieved, Jas found there was a lot of fun to be had in this situation. He wanted her. No question about that. It was a circumstance where teasing his beast was a good thing. And who wouldn’t want to have their own tightly chained beast pacing behind those beautiful blue eyes? She even went so far as to brush his lips with hers, right before they stepped out to do the first take.
Blaster hadn’t actually seen anyone taking photos of them as they moved around the set but he had almost no doubt they were. Hopefully they’d gotten the kiss and uploaded that to the source of the trouble.
A military man always assessed a new threat as thoroughly as possible. Right now Blaster was sure there was a computer somewhere spitting out the little information that was public of his military record. He sincerely hoped the bastard had enough clearance to see more than the public material. Since he couldn’t confirm the information was getting through, it was time to set the hounds to hunting.
Stepping back from the set but remaining in a clear line of sight, Blaster fished his cell phone out of his pocket and placed a call. A deep, calm voice answered on the first ring.
“Blaster, what’s the problem?”
“What? Can’t a guy call ’cause he misses ya?” Blaster drawled back to his former Unit commander Gray Winston.
“It’d be a first,” Gray mused. “Where do I send the bail