Wall of Spears

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Book: Wall of Spears by Duncan Lay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Duncan Lay
Tags: Literature & Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fiction & Fantasy
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among themselves, as well as let them destroy the Velsh. Once that is done, and they are weaker, then we strike at them. You must make your move when your enemy least expects it, at a time when they are most vulnerable.’
    They nodded doubtfully.
    ‘We shall meet the traitor’s accomplice at the border,’ he said. ‘There is no sense in them betraying us at this stage. The traitor needs us to take power. By using us to destroy her enemies, she can take power without any fighting or bitterness. Do you see?’ Ward appealed to his sons and they nodded again, their eyes doubtful.
    Ward seethed a little. How could Edmund see things so clearly and yet his sons stumble around as if in the dark? Their mother was not a foolish woman, despite her bitterness. Perhaps if he had spent more time with them when they were younger … He shook his head. Such speculation was useless. They would ride north and test his sons in the heat of battle.
    ‘You have to test yourself, every day, find your limits,’ Rhiannon told her class of Magic-weavers, echoing what Asami had told her back in Dokuzen.
    Each day brought the discovery of new Velsh who could use magic, though there were still many strange characters claiming to do magic who needed to be weeded out — usually unwashed older men or women with many cats. While none could match her strength, Sendatsu swore they had enough power to be called Magic-weavers in Dokuzen, while an older man called Cedrik and the first man they had found, Bevan, were at a higher level again.
    She had them working with plants and animals, building up their newfound strength, before working individually with each of them. It was a thrill to find others who could use magic — especially ones with as much magic as Bevan, and she worked with him more and more.
    She took him to the oak tree near Patcham to show him how to open a gateway. Using that tree so many times was dulling the pain she associated with the clearing but it was still hard to go there. Bevan must have picked up on her mood, because he tried to make her laugh on the ride out there. He succeeded as well, despite her reluctance, and she found herself laughing at his jokes. But the sight of the clearing, with her father’s hidden grave and the looming memories of magic and loss, dampened her spirits and she was brusque as she explained how to open up a gateway.
    When he placed his hand on hers on the tree trunk, she turned to ask why, and he leaned in and kissed her.
    Rhiannon froze for an instant in surprise, then kissed him back reflexively, before breaking away.
    ‘What? Why did you —’ she spluttered and the smile died on his face.
    ‘If I upset you, I am very sorry,’ he said gently. ‘But you must know how I feel about you. You are so beautiful, so powerful — you are the most amazing woman I have ever met. I felt there was real magic between us. If I was wrong, please, don’t let this affect my training.’
    Rhiannon’s first instinct was to shout at him, declare she was already taken — but was she really? Until now, her choice had been Huw, or no Huw. Now it was obvious there was a third choice and Bevan was undoubtedly handsome, as well as growing in the magic; where once she had been sure, now she doubted. Huw was her first friend but their relationship was so complicated. And this was harmless, she told herself.
    ‘You just caught me by surprise. But next time, ask first,’ she said.
    ‘How about now?’ Bevan grinned.
    ‘How about you keep your mind on what you are doing!’
    ‘I am ready to be instructed by you, any time and anywhere.’ He smiled, looking in her eyes, and she had to admit, the offer was more than a little tempting. But not here. Certainly not here.
    ‘I’ll think about it. Now, let’s create a gateway,’ she said briskly.
    But lurking at the back of her mind was the feeling of his lips on hers. She wished she had Asami to talk to about this — she knew all about being chased by two

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