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Book: Voracious by Wrath James White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wrath James White
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right thing to do?”
    “I think it’s what’s best for her.”

    Wednesday, 9:35 a.m.
    Brian was hungry. He was already on his way to the restaurant, and there was plenty of food there, but he almost felt like he wouldn’t make it. In addition to his growling stomach and his rapidly shrinking waistline, he felt a deep existential dread. He literally felt like he would be dead within minutes if he didn’t eat something right now.
    Brian had never wanted the treatment in the first place. It had been a birthday present from his wife. Going to the gym, taking up kickboxing, and running had all been working, but she had wanted to surprise him with something guaranteed to get the job done faster. He’d been ambiguous about the idea from the start.
    “The doctors at the clinic say it’s a permanent weight-loss solution. One treatment and you’re guaranteed to drop as much as fifty pounds a day! That’s amazing, isn’t it?”
    “Sounds dangerous. Has it been tested? Are you sure it’s approved?”
    She shook her head.
    “It isn’t approved in America yet. It’s a brand-new treatment, but this is one of the most famous and exclusive cosmetic surgery and weight-loss clinics in the world. They have all the best doctors, and they use the latest medical procedures. Their clients are billionaires, movie stars, and rock stars.”
    “Sounds expensive. How much does it cost?” he asked, and then braced himself for the answer. His worst fears of financial extravagance fell short of the reality.
    “It was fifty thousand dollars.”
    “Fifty thousand! You spent fifty thousand of my money on this?”
    “Our money. We’re married, remember? What’s yours is mine. And I did it for you. This way, you won’t have to spend so much time at the gym, and you can spend more time with me!”
    She’d been ecstatic. Brian sucked down his anger as much as he could. He made a pretty good living, well into the six figures, but he was not exactly wealthy. Fifty thousand was more than half their savings and it had taken him six years to save up that much. Now that he was married, it would probably take twice that long to build it back up.
    He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths before speaking. He knew he had to phrase his words carefully. “But I like going to the gym, and I was saving that money for a house.”
    “We still have enough for a house. You only need to put down 20 percent. Houses aren’t that expensive, unless you were planning on buying a mansion. I bought it for you. You’re going. That’s it. I already paid for the plane tickets and everything anyway. We can turn it into a mini-vacation. You’ll be happy we did this. You’ll see.”
    She’d been right. He was happy. They had a blast in Cancun, lounging on the beach and drinking the most powerful margaritas on the planet, deep-sea fishing, visiting Mayan ruins, swimming with the dolphins. Even the treatment hadn’t been bad. It was just one little intramuscular injection.
    “That’s it?” Brian asked the doctor, still holding the cotton swab to the injection site on his thigh.
    The young doctor, who looked like he’d just graduated from college, smiled and nodded. “Yup. That’s it. You need to spend the night here just to make sure it took. If not, we’ll try again in the morning.”
    “How will you know if it took?” Brian asked.
    “We’ll weigh you in the morning. On average, someone your size can fluctuate between five and seven pounds between the evening after eating all day and after sleeping for eight hours. We’ll be looking for something more dramatic than that. At least a twenty pound loss.”
    “Twenty pounds? In one night?” Brian scoffed.
    “At least.”
    Dr. Trevor Adams held Brian’s gaze without the slightest hint of humor. He affected an air of supreme self-assurance.
    Brian instantly disliked the man. Cocky little prick .
    The next morning, Brian woke thirty pounds lighter and ravenously

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