VITTORIO'S WOMAN (The Vittorio Series)

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Book: VITTORIO'S WOMAN (The Vittorio Series) by Kimberley Reeves Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberley Reeves
several minutes, trying to grasp an elusive thought when it suddenly dawned on her that it was always Simon’s room that Luisa brought the meals to.  And if that was Simon’s door she was staring at, then that meant…
    “Good morning, mio bello ,” Simon’s deep voice sounded behind her, “I trust you slept as well as I did.”
    “Oh, God,” Lilly groaned in pure mortification.   “Simon, I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” 
    She tried to sit up, fully intending to flee to the safety of her own room as quickly as possible, but Simon apparently had other ideas.   Before she’d even shoved the blankets aside, he pulled her back down, pinning her to his chest with an iron grip.  Fighting him wasn’t an option; she was locked too tightly in his arms to move more than a fraction of an inch.  Even if she hadn’t been, Lilly had gone far too long without the feel of his lips on hers and didn’t have the will to resist.  She would hate herself later, there was no question about that, but right now she was too busy devouring his mouth to give it much thought.
    “Breakfast,” she rasped hoarsely when he let her up for air, “it’s getting cold.”
    “That is not what I hunger for, mi amore .” 
    Simon drew her head back down and ground his mouth into hers, the heat of desire inflamed by the soft rolling moan that caught and held in her throat.   He couldn’t get enough of her; couldn’t kiss her enough, touch her enough, love her enough.  He pulled her more firmly against him, needing more than anything to prove to Lilly that he was still a man, that he still had the ability to satisfy her sexually even if he was limited to only a few positions. 
    “I want you,” Simon whispered, “more than I have ever wanted any woman in my life.”   He feathered kisses down the side of her face and back up again.  “Make love to me, Lilly.  Give back to me what fate has taken away.  Make me whole again, make me feel again.”   
    Lilly trembled in his arms.   “Simon, you don’t know what you’re asking.  I can’t…oh, please don’t look so unhappy, this is difficult enough.”
    “Why can’t you?”  he demanded sharply.  “Is it because I am a…”  Lilly’s fingers pressed against his lips.
    “Don’t say it, don’t even think it.   You know I want you too, it’s just that…”  I love you and you’ll only end up breaking my heart .  “You’re my patient, Simon.  Surely you can see how wrong it would be.”
    “Then kissing me like this is wrong too, cara ?”
    “Yes, and I shouldn’t have done it.”
    “But you did,” he reasoned softly, “and since you have already committed one transgression, why not another?”
    Lilly’s lip twitched in amusement.   “You make it sound almost reasonable.”
    Simon’s hand glided down her spine, past the small of her back and settled possessively on the curve of her bottom.   “You want me,” he pulled her more firmly against his erection, “and you can feel how much I want you.  How can it be wrong to fulfill each other’s desires?”
    “What about my job, my responsibilities?”
    “If that is all that stands between us, then I have the perfect solution.”
    “What…”   Lilly’s train of thought was momentarily derailed when Simon slipped his roving hand beneath her nightie to caress her bare thigh.  “What is this perfect solution of yours?”
    “It is so simple,” he whispered against her lips.   “All I have to do…is fire you.”

Chapter 5
    “You can’t fire me, Simon.”
    “I can and I will,” he was adamant.  “I need you, Lilly, and if that is the only way I can have you, I will do it.”
    “But if you fire me, there wouldn’t be any reason for me to stay here.   No,” she shook her head, “I’ve never done a one night stand and I don’t intend to start now.”
    “I am not asking for just one night with you, cara mia .”
    “Then what are you asking for, Simon, that I become

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