Read Online VITTORIO'S RUNAWAY BRIDE (The Vittorio Series) by Kimberley Reeves - Free Book Online Page A

Book: VITTORIO'S RUNAWAY BRIDE (The Vittorio Series) by Kimberley Reeves Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberley Reeves
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he’d done and give her his word it wouldn’t happen again, she might be able to move past it.   But Logan had to come to her on his own, without any coaxing, or she would never know if he was truly remorseful for being unfaithful or simply saying he was because she’d confronted him about it.
    Logan held the robe out.   “Let me help you get this on, then I will carry you downstairs.”
    Shelby threw the covers back and slid her legs over the side of the bed.   “Don’t be silly, I’m perfectly capable of walking by myself.”   To prove her point, she stood up then let out a harsh gasp as pain stabbed through her ankle and shot up her leg.   “Logan…”   The color leached from Shelby’s face as her ankle gave out.
    “I have you, cara. ”   Logan caught her up in his arms, a worried frown on his face.   “Maybe I should bring your breakfast up here.   Once you have something in your stomach, I can give you a painkiller.”
    “But you already went to the trouble of setting the table,” Shelby protested.
    “It does not matter.  You need to be in bed.”
    “It does matter,” she insisted.   “It was so sweet of you to do it and I would feel even worse for ruining your plans.   Besides, I think the fresh air would do me good.”
    Logan took in the pallor of her skin and had to agree.   “Perhaps you are right.”   He lowered Shelby onto the bed and helped her put the robe on then scooped her back into his arms and headed downstairs.   “I will find something to keep your foot propped up first.   The omelets are warming in the oven so all I have to do is make toast and pour the coffee.”
    After he settled her at the table and retrieved a footstool he found in the pantry, Logan hurried off to get their breakfast.   Shelby tipped her head back, breathing in the fresh ocean air and letting the sun warm her face.   Even with her ankle throbbing and the uncertainty of her relationship with Logan looming over her, she had to admit she felt better now than she had in months.   The emptiness was gone, vanquished in the night by her husband’s possessive love making.
    “I will be back with the coffee,” Logan promised as he set the food laden tray on the table.
    Shelby kept her eyes closed, reluctant to give up the warm glow enveloping her at the moment.   “I take mine with cream,” she said absently.   There was a rustle of movement before his shadow fell over her and he planted a tender kiss on her lips.
    “I know how you take your coffee, cara mia .”   He spoke softly, drawing his head back just enough so he could see into her eyes.   “It seems like an eternity since we were together, yet I remember everything about you.”
    “Like what?”   she said in a breathless whisper.
    “Like the way you butter your toast.”
    Shelby laughed.   “You noticed how I butter my toast?”
    “I find it amusing that you will not eat it unless the butter covers every inch of it.   And you have a quirky way of eating a meal, always starting with the vegetables first and consuming them completely before moving onto the next item on your plate and ending with the meat, which you never eat more than half of.”
    “That’s it?   You remember my strange eating habits?”
    Logan stood up, his gaze sweeping over her body before returning to her face.   “Oh, no, carissima, I remember a lot of other things.  Like the way you look in the morning when you first wake up, all soft and dreamy eyed, and the slow smile that you save only for me.   And I remember how your face lit up when I came home at night, and the feel of your body pressed to mine.”  
    He paused for a moment, a heavy sadness hovering behind his eyes.   “But what I remember most is the way you kissed me good-bye that morning.   I wanted to take you back upstairs and spend the rest of the day in bed with you.   I almost stayed home.  Did you know that?”
    Shelby’s throat constricted.   “If only you had,” she

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