Vigilantes of Love

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Book: Vigilantes of Love by John Everson Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Everson
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Horror
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across in the air. This tightrope was wrapped in a scrim of emotion and she was weaving it as they went. He was trapped before they left Ohio.
    She began to earn her keep at the ticket-takers’ booths.
    “I’ll not have you carry me,” she said, on the day that she applied for the job. It’s not like she had a lot of competition. Most of the people who traveled with the circus had talents and skills to show off. Or oddities. All Erin had were her looks and a lover. And free time on her hands.
    So she worked the booth.
    Reind worked a tent.
    They made the circus money, and moved from town to town.
    Until, in Peotone, Illinois, Reind met a girl with dark, curly locks that stretched down to tease at the creamy cleft between her purple crop top and the low-slung faded denim of her jeans. And he slept with her in the tall grass just beyond the recently-mowed parking lot. And he found that there was more than a wire, and a ticket-taker, and a suitcase to life. At least, that’s what he thought, as her heavy, forceful tongue invaded his lips.
    Reind thought he could quit the circus for Melienda, if that’s what she wanted. He’d never thought that way when he met Erin. But for now, at least, he wouldn’t have to consider it. Melienda had joined Barnett & Staley’s Circus a few months before. She was the newest member of the family and was working in the Big Tent, ushering the animals and clowns and kids on and off the floor. Her name proved she didn’t know how to spell, but she knew a whole lot else. In particular, she knew what made him feel real good. He’d found that out in between shows while Erin was still out at the front gate selling $3.75 tickets.
    “Will you see me again?” she asked after, zipping up her jeans across bare pale flesh, flesh that was at eye level with him as he lounged on her wide cot.
    “Yes,” he smiled. “I’ll do more than see you!”
    Reind reached the middle of the rope walk and smiled, both at his memories of Melienda and his hearing the barker was bragging of how this was “the most dangerous fifteen feet ever attempted by man… a twenty-five-foot-high walk with no net across the deadly center floor of the Big Top.” He could hear the audience take in a collective breath. Oooh. Ahhhhh.
    His mind was far from the plodding step of toes to rope. His mind was on the deep, brown eyes and wide, pink lips of Melienda. And on what they might do for him tomorrow.
    He almost didn’t even hear the ear-crushing applause when he stepped up on the board on the other side and turned to bow to his audience, perfunctorily, before climbing down the ladder as a lion tamer came running across the dusty dirt floor to take his place in the public’s eye. His private eye had other concerns.
    Reind feigned sleep when Erin came in. He couldn’t face her tonight. He was a terrible liar. And, truth be told, despite his feats on the tightrope, a coward. He lay in bed with his eyes locked shut, wondering if he could convince Melienda to stay in Springfield with him. The circus could pack itself up and hit the road, and when it arrived in St. Louis, it would just be short one tightrope walker and one glitter girl. They could hitch onto another circus easily enough. He didn’t really believe the last part, and he doubted Melienda would either; she’d just finally ended a job search. How many traveling bands of multitalented gypsies were there in middle America? And how many needed performers?
    He rolled on his side as Erin kicked her shoes into her trunk with two muted thuds, and slipped off her heavy, gold-lined, red jacket, draping it over a folding chair with a hollow clang of metal beads meeting metal back. As she did every night. He heard her jewelry hit the pressboard of her thin shelving unit. She insisted on keeping one light piece of furniture in their portable ‘home.’
    She slipped beside him under the covers, cool silk brushing his thigh. Reind could feel her eyes burrowing into his

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