over at my copilot Rogers and I could tell he was thinking the same thing. I never claimed hero status, but this was the first time that I started thinking about getting shot down. “We’ve got our guys doing the math at Hickam at the command center based on the expected Vietnamese defense and I got to tell you it isn’t pretty. I gave it to the tanker bubbas straight and I’m going to do the same for you. I told them to expect 20 percent losses on the first night. Your unit can expect to lose at least eight aircraft.” Everybody looked pretty confused and frightened. Gee thanks General. Great pep talk. I feel much better now. Major Leonard Armstrong KC-135 Aircraft Commander Kadena AFB, Japan
The general said what? My biggest problem leading up to the war was how to get all the furniture home that my crew had bought in Okinawa. I got a hand carved dining room table that I could not fit into the plane. I’m glad I hadn’t heard that twenty percent business. It’s bad enough riding a flying gas tank with no guns without hearing crap like that.
Lieutenant Colonel Carol Madison Air Force Intelligence Officer Pacific Command Operations Center
I got leave in order to go home for Christmas. I should say I barely got leave. Everything was pretty tight to the chest right now. It would be the last time I would see my family for six months. When I returned to Hawaii things were as chaotic as ever. “Oh by the way they finally landed on an operation name.” Lt Col Elway told me when I returned. “What did the generals decide on? Valiant Fury? Infinite Justice?” “They’re calling it Jungle Storm.”