Vegas Pregnancy Surprise

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Book: Vegas Pregnancy Surprise by Shirley Jump Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shirley Jump
Tags: Romance
here, Linc.” She smiled. “I just want to pick your brain for a little while.”
    The room suddenly felt close, hot. He pushed back the chair and rose. “I should probably leave you to this. Really, you know this age group better than I do. I have a meeting to get to.”
    A meeting Connor could handle as easily as he could. A meeting he could miss with a simple phone call. A meeting he wanted to miss—just to see Molly smile at him again.
    But she kept pushing the very buttons he had marked Off-Limits.
    And for good reason.
    Molly slid off the desk and the distance between them went from feet to mere inches. “I’m not letting you off that easily.”
    He arched a brow. “You’re…what?”
    “You hired me to head up this project. And as the head of this project, I’m—” she took in a breath and drew herself up “—well, I’m ordering you to be a part of it.”
    What was she doing? Couldn’t she see he wanted to leave? Her take-charge attitude surprised him, set him off kilter. He was used to being the boss—not having anyone boss him back. Oh, this woman was trouble. So much trouble.
    “I’m the CEO, Molly, you can’t do that. I sign your checks.”
    She grinned. “And I can’t move forward without the input of the creator.” She put out her hands. “Seems we’re at an impasse, Mr. Curtis.”
    The formal use of his name sent a charge through him. Thousands of people called him that on a regular basis, but when he heard it from Molly’s lips his name sounded like a flirtation.
    Leave , his common sense told him. Go back to work. You have no business getting close to a woman like her.
    A woman who deserves…what you can’t and shouldn’t give.
    He rose and took a step closer to her, ignoring the warning bells sounding in his head. Seeing only her eyes, her smile, her lips. “It does, doesn’t it?”
    She inhaled, surprise lighting in her eyes as he closed the gap between them. “Then whatever shall we do?”
    He knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to continue what they had started two months ago. He wanted to kiss her again, to take her home to his apartment, and to take days, not a single night, to explore every inch of her sweet skin.
    To kiss her from head to toe. To make love to her again and again, until the ache he felt every time she was near finally went away.
    The ache, the need, for the impossible. For what his brother had had. For that window of the happily-ever-after.
    He reached up a hand, capturing one long, brown lock in his grasp. It slid through his fingers like silk, and the memory of her in his arms rocketed through him. Her lips parted, and the urge to kiss her, to taste her lips again, pounded in his brain.
    God, he wanted her. He’d always wanted her. That wasn’t the problem.
    Having her was.
    His cell phone vibrated against his hip, and reality intruded. He had people waiting for him. What the hell was he doing? He needed to be smart, sensible. Not irrational. Not let his hormones control his judgment.
    Linc stepped back, breaking the contact. “I’m sorry, but my time is too limited to be much help to you. Roy knows me well enough,” he said. “That’s why I made him chief graphic designer on this project. I’m sure with his help you’ll be able to develop this without further input on my end.”
    Then he turned on his heel and left, before being responsible became synonymous with being miserable.

    At the end of the day, Molly journeyed up in the company elevator, telling herself she should be leaving. Going back to Hamilton Towers. Her work was done for the day—everyone else in the building had gone home—
    Everyone except for Linc.
    She’d known that because she’d gotten an e-mail from him five minutes ago. Direct, to the point, never veering from the topic of business. If she was smart, she’d take it as what it was—a clear sign that he wanted nothing more than work between them.
    She’d seen something in his eyes today. Something

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