Vampiris Sancti: The Elf

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Book: Vampiris Sancti: The Elf by Katri Cardew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katri Cardew
Tags: adventure, Romance, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Magic, vampire, demon, Battles, elf, Universe, magical
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check out her
romantic stalker. Her kaleidoscope eyes flitted through colours
until reaching sapphire—the strong colour of intent, but then a
large moth fluttering distracted her causing the colours to merge
back into emerald green.
    She shook
herself while trying to remain attentive except that was as
annoying as listening to a Pixie dirge and it meant leaving the fun
of watching the fate of the Tyro. Zyre, like most Elves, was used
to an effortless and amusing existence—not one that made demands.
She did have a few tricks up her sleeve, one being the response to
her presence if she happened to be observed. The human universe
tended to reward beauty for its own sake, regardless if that beauty
deserved such bounty and hers was no different. Beautiful on the
outside and pleasing to the eye was often translated into pleasing
to the heart. The beholder often would ascribe positive qualities
to the possessor regardless if they had them or not, something the
Elf relied upon in her adventures.
    She knew where
to find the Martyc because it would be the highest tower as these
demons loved to be overlords in more than name and vanity would out
making him easy to find. They enjoyed sitting in their lofty
heights—invisible to the man on the street while looking down at
all they controlled. Few citizens would be aware of the true nature
of their world—the bastion of real economic power in their midst.
Or the heritage of the creature that dominated such vast areas of
their existence, from mortgages to recessions, the Empire had say
in it all.
    Zyre dissolved
across the city in several false starts as she was charmed by so
many things along the way. Tiny insects flocked around the
artificial lights of the city as their frantic buzzing called her
to come watch them. The urban landscape lacked the animal life she
had seen during the day, but there was still the scuttle of a brown
mouse, a roost of pigeons behind a large neon sign. She meandered
throughout the city until she came to the towering black building
that reeked of demon inhabitants and a light rain started to fall
as if announcing her arrival. She stayed in the shadows watching
the rain bounce off the protective shield on the windows—trust a
Martyc to keep his vision clear at all times. She noticed the Poqir
on the roof opposite attempting to blend in, the Varkja guarding
the underground garage, and the front entrance securely locked
against interlopers. Zyre knew that while none openly could see
her, she wouldn’t remain totally undetected from the head of Varkja
security forever. She could hide in plain sight for as long as she
chose, but to scrutinise the fortress meant dropping her guard
slightly. That would be enough for the highly evolved mercenary to
make note of the change in the atmosphere, leaving her open to
discovery and as the Elf would say more blinkity buckets of
    Her heart
slowed as the leader of the force stopped his endless sweep of the
street with his eyes and stood perfectly still, so she knew he had
noted the change.
    He spoke into
his radio. “Check the Gargoyles.”
    Zyre would have
snorted if she was not trying to be invisible—Gargoyles indeed! By
the time they transformed from stone back into defenders she could
be halfway across the city with several Martyc treasures in tow.
The Varkja scanned the building she lay on and as his eyes washed
over her she could see his body tense slightly.
opposite,” he barked into his radio and the fact he didn’t include
the name of the intruder meant he only suspected she was there.
    The rest of the
well-trained security force swarmed across the street and she knew
her observation was over, so didn’t linger. The Varkja, with their
impassive silver efficiency, were impossible to threaten or bribe.
She couldn’t be bothered trying to enthral the head of security
because that would only make the Martyc even more annoying. Fading
back into the mist she focused upon the Poqir, the scout

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