unPHILtered: The Way I See It

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Book: unPHILtered: The Way I See It by Phil Robertson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Phil Robertson
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going on in Washington, DC. But Americans have to realize that whatever happens on Capitol Hill and in the White House is actually a reflection of the ones who put them there. And in America today, there are more ungodly people than there are godly folks. Ungodliness is ruling our country. It’s the electorate that we’re seeing in our nation’s capital. The problem is not just our elected officials—it’s the ones who put them there. Our nation elected them and they are an exact representation of who we are as a country. The people of America put them in office, so we need to quit bellyaching, griping, and complaining about them. The reason they’re in our government to begin with is because ungodly people elect ungodly politicians. Elected officials in a democracy are simply replicas of the electorate. They are a reflection of who our country is made of. We are the problem.
    When people don’t say yes to Jesus, they are unable to say no when they need to. When people lose the ability to say no to sin,they end up with the depraved leading the depraved down the road to tyranny and finally to utter destruction.
    We’re the problem, we really are. It’s America at large that’s at fault. When we evaluate the officials in Washington, DC, we are really only considering the evidence of the problem. When our nation puts them in office, we all feel the wrath of our own sin being put upon us. We say, “Boy, we’re feeling a lot of wrath from this and a lot of money is coming out of our pockets. What in the world?” You have to remember that they are but a picture of the people who put them there. The ungodly put the ungodly in office. And now we’re expecting them to be godly and treat us with love and kindness? It is impossible for the ungodly to elect the ungodly and then expect godliness to come from them. The corrupt elect the corrupt and the corruption continues. The depraved elect the depraved and the depravity continues. If you want kindness, love, peace, patience, goodness, and faithfulness—the characteristics you will find in godly men and women—you better get godly in a hurry and elect as many godly politicians as you can. When the biggest requirement for running for public office in this country is simply stockpiling a huge war chest of money to ensure a candidate can win, it shows that the foundation of our political system is broken. What about a candidate’s character, morals, and integrity? Does what’s inside the candidate’s head not matter?
    There’s no use in arguing about the current state of our government. Political debates in this country have become nothingbut televised shouting matches. The political talking heads on TV do nothing more than try to shout over each other. We need to rise above the vitriol and learn to love the people who disagree with us. We need to love our neighbor who believes in abortion, we need to love the atheist who wants to keep creationism out of schools, and we need to love the recent college graduate who wants to take down the nativity scene at the courthouse. It does us no good to argue with them. As it says in Second Timothy 2:23–26, “Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.” All we can do is love the nonbelievers and try to turn them.
    You might ask, “Well, how do we change it and get that bunch out of Washington, DC?” You yourself are going to have to repent, turn to Jesus, and put people in Washington, DC, who fear God and love their neighbors. If we don’t change, we’re going to have more of the same forevermore until it finally

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