vent anyway.
She ended the call as she pulled into the driveway . Becka and Dave ended up getting home at about the same time, him from work though .
"Coming home in yesterday's clothes . That’s my little dirty girl . "
"Shut up , Dave . " Becka grinned.
"What'd you all end up doing?" he asked.
"Went to hear some bands, met a boy, made out, yay!"
"I thought you liked that guy we played poker with."
" I actually ran into him there , and I don’t like him . I just think he's hot . Besides, I don’t think he likes me."
"Want me to beat him up?"
"No . I just want to stop thinking about him."
"Good . That dude is built . I'm pretty sure he would kick my ass . "
"You are such a dork . Staying up for a while or crashing?"
"I'll probably be up for a while . What's up?"
"I feel gross . I just want to take a shower . I will tell you all about last night once I'm clean."
Becka loved having a live - in guy to get advice from . Dave didn't think Nate 's reaction at the club was a positive one , though . Pointing out the fact that if a guy was really interested in a girl , he normally would capitalize on the opportunity . Becka figured as much . It kind of sucked knowing that if Nate would have asked her to go home with him last night , she would have gone willingly.
Time to buck up , she thought . With any luck , she could just stay busy enough to not even think about him . Dave wasn’t working that night , so they had big plans to sleep all day and drink way too much that night . Dave went straight to bed after their chat . Becka did her best to be productive , doing the laundry and dishes . She want ed to vacuum but didn’t want to wake Dave.
Her neck was still a bit stiff fro m the night before . She popped some Advil and ate a bowl of cereal before crashing . She woke hours later to the distinct gunfire of one of Dave's video games . Ugh, she thought to herself . She may have to kill him . D ragging herself from her bed , Becka walked into the living room.
"You're supposed to be wearing the friggin headset thing , Dave . "
He just looked at her like “ whoops. ”
"Turn down the volume , ass monkey , " Becka grumbled , throwing a sofa pillow at him.
"Did I wake you?" he asked innocently.
"Yes . "
"Good . I t was about time your lazy ass woke up . I did yo u a favor . So, important decision time . What are we doing tonight?"
"I don’t care . What do you want to do?"
"Paint unicorns and look up at puffy clouds."
"Dave, sometimes you really make me question why I am friends with you."
"Whatever . I'm rad " Dave replied.
She talked Dave into going to see a movie by letting him pick which one. It was an action movie, which was fun , but Becka noticed that she paid more attention to the bodies of the mor e muscular actors than normal i nstead of following the storyline, which thankfully w as not that complicated. She sat there wondering why Nate hadn’t called her and if maybe he was with another girl . After the movie , Dave talked her into a drink at the bar around the corner. She dropped off her car , and they walked over.
Dave and Becka were always the youngest people there when they showed up. She got to flirt with little old men who bought her drinks , and Dave got to pick up pointers on being crotchety. They stumbled home in good spirits and went their separate ways to pass out. She loved that little bar. She thought about it as she drifted to sleep. There were never any expectations of her there. She could be a goofball with the regulars , and they still loved her. Why was it so different with people her own age ? Her last thought before she fell asleep was of Nate calling her kid.
The next day Becka formulated a plan for Nate . Eac h time he would email her , she would take just a little bit more time to email him back. Becka felt that maybe if she seemed less responsive maybe he would do something about it. She was also terrified that the whole thing would back fire and then he would stop
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