Unfinished Business

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Book: Unfinished Business by Heather Atkinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Atkinson
on the journey to Sarah’s house.
    “How was the breakfast Boss?” she said.
    “Fucking marvellous until Sarah Creegan called. Seth, Maggie and Lauren are all at her house and she wants me round there for backup so tell me you’ve done more research and I’m not going in unprepared.”
    “You’re lucky I’m so amazingly efficient. Maggie Creegan was known for having run-ins with her neighbours down in Camden. She even decked one of them then spat all over the policeman who arrested her. Lauren has spent most of her life in and out of psychiatric units. Main suspect in two arson cases. She set fire to a neighbour’s house in Camden - the same neighbour her mother attacked - and to a public toilets in Manchester but there wasn’t enough proof to take either case to court. They’re a real bunch of charmers. Be careful, these aren’t good people.”
    “I appreciate the warning.”
    “Want me to come down there? I don’t like you being all alone in this.”
    “Not yet. I need you up there making sure Ross and Christian don’t run my business into the ground. For all I know Mark Creegan isn’t The Carver and if he isn’t then I’ll be done in a couple of days.”
    “I’ve got a bad feeling about this one.”
    “Cass, you have a bad feeling about every case.”
    “Because we deal with the lowest of the low every day and the Creegans are no exception. Just watch your back.”
    “Stop teaching your granny how to suck eggs. See what else you can dig up and see what buttons you can push. I want as much information as I can on the investigation into The Carver case.”
    “McLaren’s doing his best but he’s pushed his luck as it is getting what you already have.”
    McLaren was his old colleague in Glasgow CID who gave him a helping hand when he required it. “Then get at the SIO on the case and find me a way in.”
    “I can only try but I’m not a miracle worker.”
    “Yes you are Cass.”
    They hung up on each other and Brodie turned his mind to preparing himself for what was to come. He was looking forward to it.

    A battered, rusting dark red Ford Escort sat on the drive beside Sarah’s swanky black Mazda like an insult. Brodie considered it interesting that Mark clearly wasn’t into sharing his wealth with his nearest and dearest.
    The front door opened before he’d even reached it.
    “Brodie, thank God,” said a stricken Sarah, grabbing his arm and pulling him inside.
    He was led into the lounge by the sound of angry voices, all of which went silent when he walked in. He stopped, thinking it was Mark standing in the middle of the room, until he realised it was his twin brother, Seth. Cass hadn’t been wrong about mirror-image twins. Seth’s hair was cut in the same style as his brother’s but was flicked the opposite way. He stared at Seth’s left hand, which was the one he used.
    Everyone in the room followed Brodie’s line of sight to Seth’s left hand then looked back to Brodie.
    “What the fuck are you looking at?” demanded Seth.
    Brodie realised he was staring and forced his eyes up to his face. “My name’s Brodie. Mrs Creegan called me.”
    “Why?” barked Seth.
    “Because I want him here,” said Sarah, tilting back her head, although Brodie knew she was intimidated by her in-laws. “He was the one who told me about Mark’s…history.”
    “You dirty, interfering, scotch prick,” yelled Seth.
    Brodie bristled all over, his hackles rising. The violence in Seth’s voice and eyes surprised him, it was so different to Mark’s bluster. If he hadn’t heard Mark admit that he’d killed his own father he’d suspect there’d been some kind of mistake and this brother was really responsible.
    “Calm down Seth,” said Maggie in a voice that was a harsh as metal scraping against metal, worn with years of chain-smoking. She stank of smoke, the smell filling the room, getting into everyone’s throats. Ravaged was the only word for Maggie’s face. Deep lines

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