Undercover Lover

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Book: Undercover Lover by Jamie K. Schmidt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie K. Schmidt
him. It’s not just Vadim. He shouldn’t have to be on the street.”
    “There are a lot of people on the street, honey, that don’t deserve it.”
    “Can you find him or not?” she snapped.
    He looked up, bewildered at her outburst. “We’ve got him covered.”
    “It doesn’t matter.”
    “It does to me.”
    “Why?” he asked.
    “Because he’s innocent.”
    Drake snorted. “He’s a bum. In fact, some people are lighting them on fire just for giggles.”
    “That’s sick,” she said.
    “It sure is. There are a lot of sick things going on in our little corner of the world. What’s your interest in this guy?”
    Drake crossed his arms and leaned against the counter. She was distracted by his long legs and lean silhouette. When her eyes made it back to his face, he was grinning at her. Yeah, he’d caught her giving him the once-over. She gulped down some more vodka.
    “This stuff is lethal. I can’t feel my tongue anymore.”
    “Good,” Drake said, uncoiling from his position and walking toward her with intent.
    “There’s a janitor position open at the library. I pulled some strings, and if Ralphie wants the job, it’s his. It’s the overnight shift, so he might be able to sleep during the day somewhere safe until he gets back on his feet.”
    “Why would you do that?”
    “Because I could.” She finished her vodka and set the glass down, this time sliding it far away from her before she could be tempted to drink some more.
    Drake moved in closer to her. She felt flushed from the alcohol, the kitchen, or maybe the heat coming off his body. Pam felt like she was surfing the floor on a nice gentle wave. She stifled a giggle. Oh no, she was drunk as a skunk.
    “You’re sweet,” he said, tucking a strand of black hair over her ear.
    “Take off your glasses if you’re going to kiss me,” she said.
    “I wasn’t planning on kissing you.” He leaned in closer.
    “Why the hell not?”
    And then she kissed him. It could’ve been the vodka or the heat between them. Or maybe it was just that kind of week. She didn’t usually go around kissing policemen, even if they looked damned fine in their uniforms. But she had been run down by thieves, and he’d lost his godfather, so she was willing to chalk the kiss up as stress relief. Pam guessed these things had to happen a lot at wakes. What she hadn’t counted on was liking it so much.
    The first, quick touch of her lips to his made tingles spark along her nerve endings. Drake pulled her into his arms, deepening the kiss. As their tongues danced, she clung to his shoulders like it was a rock in a dangerous tide. Her fingers slowly caressed the corded muscles of his throat as his mouth left hers to trail hot kisses down her neck.
    It was like someone threw gasoline on an open fire. She kissed up to his ear, while her fingers untucked the ponytail. When his teeth grazed the sweet spot at the juncture of her neck, she gasped and stood on her tiptoes to give him better access. His mouth was hot when it came back to hers, and she lost herself in the raging burn of desire.
    He pressed tightly against her. The hard length of him was distracting and enticing. She slid her hand down the muscles of his back. He shrugged out of his dress coat and tossed it to the floor before delving his fingers through her hair to press her head back against his for another blistering kiss.
    She was dimly aware of the door opening behind them and someone picking the jacket up and dusting it off.
    “Uh, Drake?” Pam whispered when he brought his mouth up to nibble again on her ear.
    “Yeah?” he said, pressing closer so she could feel the burning heat of him prodding against her stomach.
    She turned her head and whispered in his ear, “We have an audience.”
    Marishka straightened from the doorway and gave Drake an arched look. “The roasts better not be dry.”

Chapter Eight
    A fter a few hours of being led around by Drake, Pam felt she must’ve drunk

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