Under Fire

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Book: Under Fire by Jo Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jo Davis
Tags: Fiction / Romance - Suspense
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to seek her out didn’t affect her the way it would most women.
    From his windblown, shoulder-length golden hair—cue Fabio posing in front of a wind tunnel—taut chest, slim hips, and long thighs, Tony was melt-your-panties gorgeous. He had money, if his taste in clothes and his black Viper were any indication, he was attentive, and his interest in Cori had progressed past mere friendship. He’d been sending off signals for months now, though he hadn’t pushed much. Until recently.
    Cori’s friends thought she was nuts to keep him at arm’s length. Maybe she was, but unfortunately for Tony, he reminded her far too much of the world she’d left behind.
    Too fast, too slick. The sex and money too easy.
    That lifestyle had nearly destroyed her once. Over her dead body would she invite disaster again. Whether it was unfair to Tony or not, she’d listen to her instincts.
    “Um, Cori, darling?”
    She blinked at him. “I’m sorry; what did you say?”
    He gave her an indulgent smile. “I asked if you’d like to have dinner tonight. There’s a new restaurant in Nashville off Broadway—”
    “I can’t. I have a dancing gig tonight. Tomorrow night, too,” she added before he could ask. “Fridays and Saturdays are my busiest nights; you know that.”
    Deflated, he sighed, mouth pulling down in disappointment. “Coffee after your Tuesday class as usual, then?”
    “Wouldn’t miss it.” Gesturing to her rental car, she steered him off the topic of their nonexistent dating life. “Know anything about cars? This one seems to have kicked the bucket.”
    “Wish I did,” he said, shaking his head ruefully. “I’d be glad to give you a lift home, though.”
    Drat. “No, that’s okay. I can call E-Z Rental and have Donnie Wayne send someone over.”
    “Really, I don’t mind.” Face lighting, he snapped his fingers. “How about I drive you to the rental company? That way you won’t have to stand out here waiting for God knows how long before those yokels show. You can secure another car and be on your way.”
    She had to admit, while she didn’t appreciate Tony calling them “yokels,” his offer was preferable to waiting. Donnie Wayne Tuttle, the owner of E-Z, who did remind her suspiciously of Larry the Cable Guy, would take ages to get someone here. Still, she got the impression Tony was more interested in finding an excuse to be alone with her than in helping out.
    “Well, if you’re sure you don’t mind . . .”
    “Not at all! Shall we?”
    She retrieved her purse and keys from the car. Linking her arm through his, Tony steered her to the Viper parked on the next row. Instead of opening her door, he simply let her go, went around to the driver’s side, and slid in. Another tiny, but telling, black mark against her friend as potential lover material. Call her silly, but she was really an old-fashioned girl at heart when it came to the mating game.
    The Viper roared to life, settling into a low purr under her bottom. Tony revved the engine a couple of times, and Cori suppressed a smirk. Poor man had obviously deluded himself into believing she’d be impressed by his expensive rolling phallic symbol, and she wasn’t insensitive enough to spoil his fantasy.
    Real class was on the inside.
    Like a man willing to die for you.
    Steering deftly from the parking lot, Tony cut her a brief, searching look. “You’ve been a tough lady to reach. You never did say why.”
    Was he kidding? “Don’t you read the paper or watch the local news? I was almost killed .”
    “Of course, I know! Why do you think I’ve been so concerned?” He pulled to a stop at a red light and arched a brow. “But you look fine to me. Radiant, in fact. Could your rescuer have anything to do with that glow? I wonder. I assume that’s why you’re spending so much of your time off at the hospital.”
    He stated it like an accusation. Cori felt herself bristling in irritation. Her budding relationship with Zack wasn’t anyone’s

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