intimate. More real. And he wasn’t sure he was ready for that commitment either.
    He was just happy to have this sexy vamp pressed against his body, her unique flavor heavy on his tongue, her sweet mewls of pleasure singing in his ears and her scent surrounding them like a warm cloud. Every nerve of his body was filled with her and still, he wanted more.
    He moved faster, pistoning his hips in time with her cries. He reached between their sweat-slick bodies and found her most sensitive spot. Teasing the hard knot with his thumb, Reese felt the quiver of her internal muscles. The grip of her legs and arms tightened around his neck and hips as he pushed himself faster and deeper into her heated core.
    Flesh slapped flesh. Cries of ecstasy echoed off the walls. His pleasure mounted, carrying him to the edge of release. Reese strained to hold on until the first shudders of Alex’s orgasm convulsed her body. When her internal muscles contracted and the sound of Alex’s climax filled his ears, Reese fell headlong into his own bliss. His orgasm electrified every nerve, dragging feral cries of ecstasy from his throat and filling her with the warmth of his release. He continued to pump until her sweet moans of pleasure slowed to small hiccups of satisfaction. Reese breathed in the scent of their coupling, burying his face in the silky strands of her hair.
    When his assignment in South Kenton was finished, he had no idea how he’d ever walk away from this woman.

Chapter Four
    “So if Josh called this meeting, where the hell is he?”
    “How the hell would I know?” Reese stepped from the bathroom, finger-combing his wet hair. The shower had done nothing to wash away his irritation.
    Ronan had been at the cabin for nearly an hour annoying the hell out of him.
    “Wasn’t my turn to babysit him,” he said. Josh had called before noon and scheduled an emergency meeting for one o’clock, forcing him to leave Alex at the tavern. Though both Chris and the part-time bartender had shown up, he hated leaving her without Glenn’s experienced protection. He wondered if Chris had the chops to defeat an older vampire if it came to that. He’d heard Glenn’s concerned thoughts and knew the man would be hours before getting back to the tavern. With his patience paper-thin and his anxiety jacking his nerves, Reese was none too happy his roommate had yet to show.
    “Did he happen to share with you what we’re doing here?” Ronan had his fancy boots resting on the coffee table, a glass of red wine in his hand.
    “Feel free to make yourself comfortable,” Reese muttered. “And no, he didn’t.”
    “Cabernet. Not my favorite, but it’ll do.”
    It was a two-hundred dollar bottle of wine Reese was saving for a special occasion. After his morning with Alex, he’d hoped they would be sharing it over a candlelight meal. There was no sense mentioning that fact to the cocky vampire. “Listen, if he doesn’t show in the next half hour or so, we’ll just have to reschedule. I’ve got plans.” Needing his space, Reese walked to his bedroom. He had no idea what had prompted the kid in the living room to join RISEN—of course kid may be exaggerating the vamp’s description—but everything was relative when you carried two-hundred years of experience around.
    Whatever . RISEN had thought they needed eyes out in the community so they’d sent in the cocky vamp. The guy displayed his egotistical attitude as obviously as his high-end clothes and annoying accent. Reese had to work with him, but no one said he had to make friends with him. He grabbed his jeans from the end of the bed, shucking off the towel at his waist.
    “Would those plans happen to be with one, Alexandra Flanagan?” Ronan leaned casually in the doorway, sipping his wine. “I wouldn’t mind a little piece of—”
    In a single heartbeat, Reese was in Ronan’s face, sending the wine glass crashing against the wall and wrapping his hand around the vampire’s

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