Unchained Memories

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Book: Unchained Memories by Maria Imbalzano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maria Imbalzano
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, college, spicy, Princeton
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make for a conflict of interest if you date him. He has nothing to do with the case.”
    Charlotte mulled over her friend’s technical rationalization. “True. But in addition to Clay, I had relationships with others at the hospital.” When Annie looked confused, Charlotte told her about the months she’d spent there after the accident, and how Richard Collins had been instrumental in her care.
    “I knew your parents had died, but I had no idea about the circumstances. Or that you were injured and left to fend for yourself. That’s so awful.”
    “It was. But I was tutored by two of the best looking interns in the state. Clay was one of them. I lived for those tutoring hours with him.” She mentally pinched herself. Why had she shared that little piece of herself with Annie? Yes, they were friends, but she hadn’t meant to open herself up like that. And then sound so pathetic.
    “It sounds to me like you want to reconnect with Clay but, at the same time, you’re focusing on complications to convince yourself it will never work.”
    Charlotte blanched at Annie’s perceptiveness. Not only did she want to re-establish at least a friendship with Clay, if not more, she also wanted to restore her ties to Dr. Collins. He’d been so nice when he’d called her the other day. He’d learned about Renee’s husband’s death and wanted to extend his sympathy to both Charlotte and Renee. He’d even asked if either of them needed anything. How had she allowed her relationship with him to just fade away?
    “Maybe I can ask Brad to only assign me to cases that don’t involve Nassau General.” Where had that come from?
    Annie gaped like a fish. “Are you looking to get fired? You can’t pick and choose which cases you’ll work on.”
    “I know. Just brainstorming.” Or more truthfully, grasping for a solution that wouldn’t infringe on her ties to two very special people from her prior life. Charlotte sighed. “I better get back to this file, or I’m never going to be ready for my meeting with the Beltons.”
    “Okay. I can take a hint.” Annie stood. “It’s so hard to find a good-looking, eligible guy around here.” Annie had often bemoaned that very problem since Charlotte had arrived, asking her why she would leave a big city for Smalltown, USA. Annie turned and smiled over her shoulder. “If you decide not to go for Clay, feel free to introduce him to me.”
    Charlotte threw a pencil in her direction and laughed. “Sure.”
    But deep down she knew that would never happen. She fully intended to subscribe to Annie’s interpretation of the conflicts of interest rules while hoping that Clay would soon forget about their huge philosophical differences.
    “So how goes it?” Brad Carlton stood in Charlotte’s doorway, half in, half out, obviously not staying long.
    “Good. I’m meeting with Gina and her parents on Monday to get a solid history from them.”
    “How did Gallway’s deposition go?”
    “Fine. Good actually. He admitted he didn’t see any neck x-rays before surgery. At first he claimed none were taken. But when pressed, he said he wasn’t sure.”
    “Go through the hospital records and find out.”
    Brad’s order was curt. As if she hadn’t already put that on her priority list. She’d only been involved in the case for a little over a week and the files took up two whole cabinet drawers. It could conceivably take her a few more weeks before she got through the entire thing.
    “It must be hard on Dr. Gallway wondering if he caused Gina’s paralysis.” She’d felt bad for him while taking his deposition. He seemed so sad.
    “He’ll never admit it. They always come up with some other reason for the outcome.”
    “I know, but I bet he lies awake nights re-hashing it.”
    “You’re giving him too much credit. These doctors think they’re better than the rest of us, that their lofty goals to treat the ills of mankind shouldn’t be challenged or questioned. None of the

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