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Book: U.G.L.Y by H. A. Rhoades Read Free Book Online
Authors: H. A. Rhoades
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Island in Washington we might find some way to cross over to Friday harbor. I was familiar with the area, I had been stationed there in the 1990's.
         As the day wore on we drove north passing small farming communities. Most of the communities were small and some seemed devoid of life. Maybe they always looked that way. It felt eery and empty.
    We made stops when we needed to, each time I would find a gas can that I could fill and strap to the roof of the SUV. There was no sign of life in some places. In others people were noticeably on edge but had not been affected yet.
    My companion was very talkative at first. S he went on and on about everything under the sun. I decided she was nervous and not sure about me yet. E ventually she settled down and fell asleep. I was grateful for the quiet, but happy she was getting comfortable enough to feel like she could rest.
         As the sun set on the second day I was exhausted and searched for a safe place we could stop for the night. I thought it might be dangerous to stop at a hotel so I turned off the road where there was nothing but farm land. I drove out into a field and parked the car. Eve began to stir, she opened her eyes and asked what was going on.
    “ we're going to make camp for the night” I said “ out here in the middle of nowhere we should see ahead of time if anyone is coming ”.
    She looked scared, maybe she thought I was going to kill her out here in the middle of nowhere. I laughed to my self then decided to put her at ease so she would relax. I made a fire and we sat across from each other.
    I looked at her and started to talk. telling her more about my self, who I was and what I did for a living. I told her about my divorce and the struggle to keep my kids in my life.
    I figured I sounded pretty boring and messed up to her. I  w anted her to feel that I was not a threat, but I didn't want her to get attached to me either . If I was clear about being a geeky middle aged scientist that was dumped by his ex-wife and was an emotional mess, maybe there would be no chance that she would consider me worth pursuing. Once we got to a safe populated area she would move on and that was fine.
         Interestingly, she had a story to tell herself. S he had been married and had a son. B ut her husband was killed in the military and she couldn't cope. She said she had a meltdown and left her son with her mother and hadn't looked back. She hated herself for it but couldn't bear to be reminded of her husband or the life she had before.
    S he had been traveling, for years now. Staying with friends and hooking up with strangers. She got into drugs pretty heavy for a while. As she talked she pulled a vial out of her shorts pocket, dipped a nail file in and snorted it.
         I didn't do a very good job of pushing her away. A s the night wore on she got closer to me by the fire. E ventually she snuggled up against my chest and wrapped her arms around me .
    I didn't respond, but was very aware at how warm she was and I could feel her breasts pressed against me . I started to get aroused but quickly focused on something else. After some time she drifted off to sleep and I unwrapped her arms and laid her next to me on the ground.
    I didn't know if we were safe here but I was tired and wanted to sleep. I hadn't slept in days and desperately needed to rest. The emotional ups and downs of the previous two days had left me feeling raw. The feeling took me back to a time when I wasn't certain I would make it through the day.
    I closed my eyes and pictured the woman from my past. O ne that I had a clear memory of. Some peace came over me. I faded off to sleep.

18 /19 .
         Eve opened her eyes and was facing the smoldering fire. S he sat up and looked around, finding herself alone. She remembered what was happening and quickly got to her feet.
    “ Duncan ! ” she yelled “ Dunc... ”
    “ Shhhhh ” I snapped at her as I walked back through

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