Two Alone
until it was hardly visible beneath hi s mustache. "Just be glad I didn't have to cauterize it."
    " I am. "
    He sneered. "I'm sure a high-ticket plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills can fix the scar."
    " D o y ou have to be so obnoxious?"
    "Do you have to be so superficial?" He aimed a finger in the di rec tion of t he crashed plane. "I'm sure any of those guys we left up there would settle for a scar on their shin."
    H e was right, of course; but that didn't make his criticism any easier for her to swallow. She lapsed into sullen silence. He bathed her leg in peroxide and rebandaged it, then gave her one of the he penicillin tablets and two aspirins. She washed them down with water. No more brandy for her, thank you.
    Dr unkenness, she had discovered, aroused her emotionally and sexually. She didn't want to think of Cooper L andry as any t h ing but a wretched grouch. He was a short-tempered, surly ogre harboring a grudge against the world. If she didn't have to rely on him for her survival, she would have nothing to do with him.
    She had already set tl ed beneath the pile of furs when he slid in and embraced her as he had the night before.
    "H ow much longer do we have to stay here?" she asked crossly. " I’m not clairvoyant."
    "I 'm not asking you to predict when we'll be rescued; I was
    referring t o this bed. Can't you rig up a shelter of some kind? Something we can move around in?"
    "The accommodations aren't to m'lady's liking?"
    She sighed her annoyance. "Oh, never mind."
    After a moment, he said, "There's group of boulders near the stream. One side of the largest of them has been eroded out. I think with a little ingenuity and some elbow grease, I could make a lean-to out of it. It won't be much, but it will be better than this. And closer to the water."
    "I'll help," she offered eagerly.
    It wasn't that she didn't appreciate this shelter. It had saved her life last night. But it was disconcerting to sleep this close to him. Since he had taken off his coat as he had the night before, Rusty was keenly aware of his muscled chest against her back. She could therefore assume that he was keenly aware of her body because she wasn't wearing her coat, either.
    She could think of little else as his hand found a comfortable spot midway between her breasts and her waist. He even wedged his knees between hers, elevating her injured leg again. She started to ask him if that was necessary, but since it felt so much better that way, she let it pass without comment.
    "Hmm?" His warm breath drifted into her ear and caused goose bumps to break out over her arms. She snuggled closer to him. "Wake up. We've got to get up."
    "Get up?" she groaned. "Why? Pull the covers back up. I'm freezing."
    "That's the point. We're soaking wet. Your fever broke and you sweated all over both of us. If we don't get up and dry off, land a good chance of getting frostbite."
    She came fully awake and rolled to her back. He was ser ious. Alread y he was tossing off the furs. "What do you mean, dry off?"
    " Strip and dry off." He began u nbuttoning his flannel shirt. " A re you crazy? It's freezing!" Recalcitra n tly, she pulled the pelt back over herself. Cooper jerked i t of f her.
    " T ake off all your clothes. Now!" H e shrugged off his flannel shirt and draped it over the nearest bu s h. With one fluid motion, he crossed his arms at his waist and peeled the turtleneck T-shirt over his head. It made his hair stic k up funnily, but Rust y didn't feel like laughing. Laughter— in fact any sound at all—got trapped inside her closed throat . Her first glimpse of the finest chest she'd ever seen rendered her sp ee chle ss.
    H ard as rocks those muscles were. Beautifully sculpted, too, beneath taut skin. His nipples were dark and pebbly from the c old, their areolae shriveled around them. It was all tantalizingly cove red with a blanket of crisp hair that swirled and whorl e d, t ipped and tapered beguilingly .
    H e was so trim she could count every

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