Twice Upon a Blue Moon

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Book: Twice Upon a Blue Moon by Helena Maeve Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helena Maeve
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
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Dylan, “I was high.”
    “You put a plastic bottle in the microwave.”
    “It was a very old microwave!”
    “Yet it survived twenty-five years of idiot boys… Until you.” Ward shook his head, but his expression was fond when he turned to Hazel. “He has other uses around the house. For instance, he’s wonderful with pets or small children. And he can reach high shelves. If you have any curtains that need putting up, he’s your man.”
    “Are you trying to sell him?” Hazel quirked her eyebrows, feigning ignorance. I know what you’re up to played like a mantra between her ears. It hadn’t escaped her that Ward hadn’t answered the question.
    He knows. He knows and he’s saving it to lord over you if you get too serious about Dylan. It was a sobering thought.
    “More like rent me out,” Dylan muttered under his breath, oblivious. “I’m not a piece of meat, you know. I have feelings .”
    Ward rolled his eyes. “So says the man who spends his days tallying other people’s money.”
    “Ah, what better way to skim from the top? But you’d know that, wouldn’t you?”
    Ward pressed a hand to his chest. “And my heart goes crack.”
    “What heart?” Dylan pouted.
    The frantic thump of Hazel’s pulse began to beat at a steadier cadence. Dylan and Ward seemed content ribbing each other. After initial hostilities had been exchanged, Ward left off trying to threaten her into playing nice.
    The first course was brought out—fennel soup, as per Ward’s recommendation—while he regaled them with tales of his baboon board members.
    He was one of those men who enjoy the sound of their own voice. He did it so faithfully that he barely seemed to taste the soup. Hazel thought about suggesting they swap plates because the velvety cream was sort of addictive, but she refrained.
    Her dress was tight enough already.
    The main course dashed her hopes of slaking her hunger on anything more consistent. Two medallions of salmon and a thin strip of black rice did not a supper make.
    “Should have had the sole,” Ward said when the waiter came to retrieve their plates.
    “Free will is a beautiful thing,” Dylan countered. “And on that note.” He flashed Hazel a smile. “If I promise to let you lead, would you do me the honor of this dance?”
    “I don’t want to say that you sound like a time traveler from the eighteen hundreds, but…” Ward held up his hands when Hazel glowered.
    Perhaps it would’ve annoyed him to be thwarted yet again. Perhaps he wouldn’t have cared. Either way, Hazel slid her chair back and stood. “Let’s go, Mr. Darcy.”
    Dylan followed her onto the dance floor as the in-house pianist started on the first notes of Nat King Cole’s Unforgettable .
    Yep , definitely feels like Buddy’s wedding.
    She banished the pang of guilt she felt at the thought of Rhonda and the baby shower. After her mother’s call, Hazel had wound up declining the invite on Facebook, in the most impersonal way she could possibly have replied.
    Thanksgiving would be interesting this year.
    “I’m sorry he’s so difficult,” Dylan whispered in her ear as he pulled her close. “If you want to leave…”
    Hazel wrapped an arm around his shoulders and let Dylan fold his hand around her wrist. “Already? But I’m having such fun.” It wasn’t a complete lie. Ward had ‘life of the party’ practically stamped on his forehead. He wasn’t likable , but he was entertaining. Hazel had no desire to capitulate just because he’d annoyed her a bit. “You’ve known him for a long time, haven’t you?”
    Dylan hummed a note of acquiescence, the sound bubbling out from deep within his chest.
    “We met in freshman year. That’s… God, is that really twelve years ago?” He shook his head, brushing her temple with his lips. “He’s a good guy. A little standoffish, but a good guy.”
    If you say so. It wasn’t Dylan’s past that Ward had gone digging into.
    “And will he be a good guy at the loft

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