Trouble on Her Doorstep

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Book: Trouble on Her Doorstep by Nina Harrington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nina Harrington
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
bedrooms are very nice and cozy.’
    ‘Actually, they are exactly the same. We market the style as minimalist couture. No pictures on the walls and all-white polymer surfaces and sealed tiling.’
    ‘What about the food?’ Dee asked in a low, incredulous voice.
    ‘Micronutrients, hand-harvested seafood and baby organic vegetables. It is very popular with the ladies who lunch.’
    ‘Not the same ladies who come into our tea rooms. Those girls can eat! We are run off our feet keeping up with the demand. But I am starting to get the picture. Oh, Sean! I don’t envy you that job. How do you survive? Oh no—I’ve just had a horrible thought. Wait. Wait just one minute.’
    Sean stopped walking and Dee stomped up to him, close enough that she had to look up into his face.
    ‘Please tell me that this other hotel is not the same! I’m not sure that I could stand another minimalist venue. Forget the breakfast meeting. All I want is a replacement venue, Sean.’ And she clutched hold of the lapels of his raincoat. ‘Somewhere with windows and light and air where people can enjoy tea. Because you have to understand, that’s what tea is all about. Having fun and sharing a drink with friends and family. The ceremony and the rituals are optional extras. And you can’t do that in a cement basement garage. Please give me some light and space. Is that too much to ask?’
    Her bright eyes were shining. Her hands were on his coat, so it made perfect sense for his right hand to rest lightly on her hip.
    ‘As it happens, this hotel is the first one on my list of options. They have a vacancy a week Saturday and can easily fit the numbers you gave on the booking form.’
    He flicked his head over his right shoulder. Dee’s stunning green eyes widened in surprise and she took a small gasp of astonishment.
    ‘This was the first of the Beresford luxury five-star hotels. Art deco. Original stained glass. Plenty of natural light, and the conference suite opens up onto the lawns leading down to the river. It’s also the same place where I cut my teeth as a junior manager so I think I know it pretty well. And not a minimalist detail in sight. In fact, I would go as far as to say it is old school. So. What do you think?’
    ‘Think? I am too stunned to think. Wow. You can officially consider yourself forgiven.’
    And, without asking permission or forgiveness, she leant up on the tips of her shoes and tugged his lapels down towards her so that he was powerless to pull back even if he wanted to.
    The quick flutter of her warm breath on his cold cheek happened so fast that, when her soft and warm lips pressed against his skin, the fragile sensation of that tender, sweet kiss was like liquid fire burning her brand onto his skin and in a direct line to his heart.
    To Dee it was probably nothing more than a quick, friendly peck on the cheek but when Sean looked into those smiling green eyes he saw his world reflected back at him.
    He should have looked away. Made a joke, stepped back and pointed out some of the famous London landmarks that were on the other side of the Thames. But for the first time since Sasha the only thing Sean was interested in was the warm glow and welcome that a pair of captivating green eyes held out to him.
    Tantalizing. Alluring. He was held tight in their grasp and that suited him just fine. Forget the cold wind. Forget that they were on a public footpath. Forget that she was a client.
    All that he could think about was the red glow on her cheeks, and when she tilted her face to one side the first real smile of the day creased the corners of her mouth and lingered there for a moment before reaching her eyes.
    Sean lifted his hand and popped a stray strand of hair back under her knitted hat with one finger. He made sure that the knuckles of that hand traced a feather-light track along cheekbones which were so defined and yet so soft that his skin ached to do it again to make sure that he had not mistaken the

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