Tripple Chronicles 1: Eternity Rising

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Book: Tripple Chronicles 1: Eternity Rising by M. V. Kallai Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. V. Kallai
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the elevators.   Lee pressed the button on the furthest
carriage on the right and the doors opened right away.   A young man, whose job it was to know
the members of the lounge scrupulously, stepped out as Lee stepped in.   He usually rode up with the members,
took their coats and made them feel welcome; however, Lee was a special case
who preferred to ride up alone.   The young man would call the elevator back down after Lee got off.
    The lounge
was dimly lit with a quiet atmosphere, no matter what time of day and Lee felt
more relaxed the instant he stepped off the elevator.   He unbuttoned his coat as the pretty owner, Enira, smiled
warmly at him and called for someone to get his table ready.   She was not intimidated by Lee’s
coldness. She walked right up to him and took the hat right off his head and
waited for him to hand her his coat.  
    “Thank you,
Dr. Tripple,” she said sweetly.   “Camden has not arrived yet, or called.   That is why your table was not set, but it will only take a
    “Okay,” he
replied in a low voice, caught off guard by this second rift in his
routine.   He stood there fidgeting,
not sure what to do with himself.   He never had to wait before and realized for the first time that Camden
must always call ahead.  
    That’s interesting, he thought.   Enira walked back toward him from the
coatroom and took his arm to lead him to the table.   This was her usual way and Lee didn’t flinch too much from
the actual physical contact.   Today, with all the unexpected inconveniences piling up, he even found
it pleasant.  
    He sat down
at his table and straight away and a gentleman brought his favorite tea,
freshly brewed.   Lee breathed in
the hot stark steam and began mulling over the events of the morning again in
his head.


“Where am I?”

phone rang in his coat pocket and he and Aldretti both jumped at the break in
the silence.   They stared at each
other waiting for the other to respond.   Finally after four rings, Camden reached in to his inner jacket pocket
and pulled out his phone.   He
looked at the display and saw ‘Lee Tripple’.   He rejected the call just as Aldretti snatched the phone
from his hand.
    “No phone
calls today, Professor.” Aldretti said as he tried to gain access to Camden’s
phone.   Camden chuckled as he
watched Aldretti fumble with his code-protected technology.    After several more attempts, he
gave up and placed the phone in a black satchel that was obviously intended to
hold any confiscated items from this mission.   Camden supposed that his phone would somehow fall short of
Mace Magner’s expectations of this satchel.   They rode for the next twenty minutes in silence.   Camden turned his head to look out of
the window as they approached the government building discreetly placed on the
outskirts of the posh side of the city of Ambern .   There was a large perimeter fence
hidden behind a wall of lush landscape.   From the air, he could see the front of the building clearly marked with
a logo stretched across the painted iron double door entrance.   This logo was a large, blue, six petaled flower with a rose colored model of electrons
zooming around an atom at the center. It was designed to create a sense of
peace to onlookers who were afraid of or intimidated by the TRU Building.   On the roof in giant red letters, it
SEVERLY.’ On each corner of the roof was an armed guard standing in a small
tower.   They were there to give
authorization to landing government transports…and to handle the violators.    Camden had been here many times
over the years and smiled in spite of himself as he had many pleasant memories
of his projects here.   Aldretti
took notice of his pleasant expression, folded his arms, and grumbled something
unintelligible under his breath.  
    When the
transport landed,

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