Transmission: Voodoo Plague Book 5

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Book: Transmission: Voodoo Plague Book 5 by Dirk Patton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dirk Patton
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that could ever be attributed back to him as there were also two
Sergeants entering data into the same spreadsheet. 
    So far he had picked out four women.  The first on his list
was the woman he’d met when he first arrived at the processing station, Katie
Chase.  There was something about her that intrigued him, yet frightened him at
the same time.  He preferred women who were naïve.  Sometimes their naivety was
due to a lack of life experience, others just weren’t smart enough to recognize
danger when it looked them in the face and smiled.
    Katie, however, was anything but naïve.  He recognized the
intelligence, and more.  There was iron behind her beautiful smile, and he had
no doubt she knew how to use the large pistol she carried on her hip.  He would
have to be careful with her.  He wasn’t going to be able to trick or lure her
the way he did other women.  She would see through him, he was certain.  But
that just made him want her more.
    She had been placed in an empty barrack not far from his new
house, the other women and all the children who had arrived with her sharing
the space.  Seated at a folding table in the hangar that had been pressed into
duty for processing civilians, he looked up from the laptop and through the
open door at the large building to which Katie had been assigned.  It was on
the far side of a series of runways, but clearly visible.  He thought he could
see figures running around, chasing each other, outside the building.  The kids
    Letting his mind drift, he fantasized about taking her home
with him.  Walking in the front door and surprising Synthia with her.  Hitting
her in the back of the head to subdue her before she could recognize the
danger.  Carrying her to the bedroom where he and Synthia would strip her
naked, tie her to the bed, gag her and wait for her to regain consciousness.
    When she woke, she would be confused for a moment, then
terrified.  Roach knew from experience that as soon as he saw the fear in her
eyes he would immediately achieve a rock hard erection that only the
dispensation of pain could relieve.  He pictured in his mind what he would do
to Katie.  What Synthia would do as he violently penetrated the bound woman. 
He could already hear her whimpers and moans as they drew their pleasure from
her body.
    Then the climax.  The knife thrust to her heart as he pushed
himself even deeper into her.  Feeling her body spasm as the life force left it,
at the same time reaching his orgasm.  The sensation of her going still as his
heart pounded out the last of his pleasure.  The calming of his entire being as
the desire, need, to take the woman’s life as he deposited his seed in her was
    “Sir?”  Roach was startled, snapping out of his daydream and
looking up at the Sergeant that was speaking to him.
    How long had the woman been standing there?  He realized he
had an erection and was glad he was seated, the table concealing his
    “Yes.  What is it?”  He asked, his voice gruff with
emotion.  The Sergeant gave him an odd look.
    “There’s another group just clearing the main gate.  They’ll
be here in five minutes.  Just thought you’d want a heads up.”
    “Thank you.”  Roach nodded and dismissed her, watching her
walk away.  Not his type, he thought, looking back at the laptop.
    Katie Chase.  Chase.  Why was that name familiar?  Roach
thought about it for a moment, but couldn’t place why it rang a bell. 
Scrolling down the list to look at the other names he’d marked, he suddenly
stopped and scrolled back up.  Chase.  That was that fucking Army Major’s
name!  No, not possible.  Or was it?
    Leaning forward he scanned across the spreadsheet, reading
the details the woman had provided during processing.  She was from a suburb of
Phoenix, Arizona.  In the column for next of kin he read the name John Chase. 
Was that the Major’s first name?  He thought hard, but couldn’t

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