Towers of Midnight

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Book: Towers of Midnight by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
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    Crisp and light, the wind danced across fields of new mountain grass stiff with frost. That frost lingered past first light, sheltered by the omnipresent clouds that hung like a death mask high above. It had been weeks since those clouds had budged, and the wan, yellowed grass showed it.
    The wind churned morning mist, moving southward, chilling a small pride of torm. They reclined on a flat, lichen-stained granite shelf, waiting to bask in morning sunlight that would not arrive. The wind poured over the shelf, racing down a hillside of scraggly mura trees, with ropelike bark and green tufts of thick, needlelike leaves atop them.
    At the base of the foothills, the wind turned eastward, passing an open plain kept free of trees and scrub by the soldier’s axe. The killing field surrounded thirteen fortresses, tall and cut entirely from unpolished black marble, their blocks left rough-hewn to give them a primal feeling of unformed strength. These were towers meant for war. By tradition they were unoccupied. How long that would last—how long tradition itself would be remembered in a continent in chaos—remained to be seen.
    The wind continued eastward, and soon it was playing with the masts of half-burned ships at the docks of Takisrom. Out into the Sleeping Bay, it passed the attackers: enormous greatships with sails painted blood red. They sailed southward, their grisly work done.
    The wind blew onto land again, past smoldering towns and villages, open plains filled with troops and docks fat with warships. Smoke, war calls and banners flew above dying grass and beneath a dockmaster’s gloomy sky.
    Men did not whisper that this might be the end of times. They yelled it. The Fields of Peace were aflame, the Tower of Ravens was broken as prophesied and a murderer openly ruled in Seandar. This was a time to lift one’s sword and choose a side, then spill blood to give a final color to the dying land.
    The wind howled eastward over the famed Emerald Cliffs and coursed out over the ocean. Behind, smoke seemed to rise from the entire continent of Seanchan.
    For hours, the wind blew—making what would have been called tradewinds in another Age—twisting between whitecaps and dark, mysterious waves. Eventually, the wind encountered another continent, this one quiet, like a man holding his breath before the headsman’s axe fell.
    By the time the wind reached the enormous, broken-peaked mountain known as Dragonmount, it had lost much of its strength. It passed around the base of the mountain, then through a large orchard of apple trees, lit by early-afternoon sunlight. The once-green leaves had faded to yellow.
    The wind passed by a low wooden fence, tied at its joints with tan linen twine. Two figures stood there: a youth and a somber man in his later years. The older man wore a pair of worn brown trousers and a loose white shirt with wooden buttons. His face was so furrowed with wrinkles that it seemed kin to the bark of the trees.
    Almen Bunt didn’t know a lot about orchards. Oh, he had planted a few trees back on his farm in Andor. Who didn’t have a tree or two to fill in space on the dinner table? He’d planted a pair of walnut trees on the day he’d married Adrinne. It had felt good to have her trees there, outside his window, after she’d died.
    Running an orchard was something else entirely. There were nearly three hundred trees in this field. It was his sister’s orchard; he was visiting while his sons managed his farm near Carysford.
    In his shirt pocket, Almen carried a letter from his sons. A desperate letter, pleading for help, but he couldn’t go to them. He was needed here. Besides, it was a good time for him to be out of Andor. He was a Queen’s man. There had been times, recently, when being a Queen’s man could get someone into as much trouble as having one too many cows in his pasture.
    “What do we do, Almen?” Adim asked. “Those trees, they…Well, it ain’t supposed to happen like

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