Touched With Sight
which case, he could very well be here all night.
    And then he caught a glimpse of that familiar aura. The glimmering black particles were shifting listlessly around her book-bag. She hadn't hidden it at all. Just crammed it into her school bag, where any Slayer could—and would —have found it.
    Foolish savage. He wanted to strangle her.
    She made a low sound that caused the hairs on his arms to stand on end. He reached for the hilt of his sword, and then relaxed when he realized that she was still asleep.
    The sheets were tangled around her legs, and rustled as she shifted to her side. She was wearing boxer shorts and a threadbare tank top. One of the straps had slid down her shoulder in a way that seemed deliberately coy. The sleeveless garment drew attention to the muscles in her arms, and the fullness of her breasts, where they squashed against the mattress. Her legs were also quite defined, and what he could see of her midriff looked flat and toned.
    No wonder she had escaped him in the woods.
    Even with the silver, she had bested him—and faster than he'd believed humanly possible.
    But the little bitch isn't human.
    His eyes had adjusted to the point where he could make out every curve and contour of her body through the cotton—the ridges of her abdomen, the swell of her hips, the indents her erect nipples made in the fabric—and he was finding it hard to look away from the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. There was something perversely satisfying about this. Watching her sleep.
    She was tense, as if she could sense his presence even while unconscious and it left her with the distinct impulse to run. But she couldn't run from him now. Not with the barrier of consciousness standing solidly between them. Shape-shifters didn't like being made to feel vulnerable—and few things left one more prone than slumber.
    Her mouth drew back into a grimace, lips parted to reveal teeth only a little sharper than the human norm. A silent hiss. Finn stepped closer, not heeding the implicit warning. When he was close enough to touch, he ran his thumb down her throat and felt her pulse kiss his skin. Her skin was damp with sweat and a few strands of her hair stuck to his hand.
    He wondered who the witch in her family line was, whether it was someone he knew.
    That's why her eyes sear and burn , he thought. She has witch eyes .
    His hand encircled her throat.
    Black beast.
    Reviled creature. Creature of legend.
    I could kill her.
    For that, he would receive a commendation. Especially if he brought the body back for study. But the thought of her, lifeless, as some laboratory specimen, made him indignant. His eyes fell to her lips. The silver handcuffs weighed heavily at his side.
    I could take her.
    The thought came to him, unbidden, and with such intense abruptness that it felt for a moment as if it could not possibly be his own. Finn found himself standing over her, as if he had been propelled, standing close enough now that he could almost taste her lips on his tongue. He might have done it, too, if he hadn't heard a soft hiss, and remembered the dream—the dream in which he had fucked the girl, and she had turned into that creature—and her body had morphed into a swarm of writhing shadows that permeated his body as if he were something they could devour. Finn reclaimed his sanity in that instant, but his fingers were still wrapped around her throat.
    And her eyes—they snapped open upon that impulsive bit of contact. He heard her intake of breath as she was jolted awake, instantly. Her eyes widened as she stared at him, incredulous, horrified. Not just that, he thought. There was something else there, which he couldn't put a name to, but that resonated with something dark and twisted that lay buried deep inside him.
    “ You—” she said, or he thought he heard her say.
    It was hard to tell, because an instant later he was gasping from the pain lancing his spine as he collided with something cruelly hard. It was

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