To Wed a Scandalous Spy

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Book: To Wed a Scandalous Spy by Celeste Bradley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celeste Bradley
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Historical, Regency
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that Moira had given her. Blushing a bit, she shyly returned her husband's gaze.
    She wiggled uncomfortably, feeling very exposed in the light of day. His eyes bulged at the motion, and hope began to stir in Willa.
    "I wore it especially for you. Do you like it?"
    For a moment, Nathaniel didn't take the words in. He was too busy staring at the appetizing sight before him. Huge dark eyes looked at him from the midst of a cloud of tumbled hair that trailed down to white shoulders and the beginnings of succulent round breasts.
    She wore only a sheer white nightgown with no sleeves and a scooped neckline that did nothing to hide the mouthwatering shadow of her cleavage. The night rail did nothing to hide anything at all.
    Moreover, her excuse for a nightdress gaped open all down its laced front, and somehow Nathaniel knew that he himself had done the unlacing.
    "Hellfire! How did you get here?"
    Willa looked around as if surprised herself by her location. "I don't remember. I think I was cold."
    Nathaniel gestured wildly to her gown. "Well, close that up or you'll be colder yet!"
    Jerking at her gown, Willa glared at him. "Well, that I didn't do!" Standing to face him, Willa planted a fist on each hip. Unfortunately, she also released her hold on the front of her nightdress, and Nathaniel could see everything from the valley between her breasts to her navel.
    It was very distracting.
    "What are you looking at?" she demanded, then looked down. Quickly wrapping it shut, she frowned at him. Her chin went high. "I'm going to get dressed now," she said grandly, hardly faltering at all. Her blush gave lie to her poise, however.
    With that, Willa strode across the room to the splintery screen provided in the corner. She never looked back to see Nathaniel standing in the circle of morning sunlight, smiling his first smile in a very long time.
    The road had widened considerably since Derryton and they had passed through a number of entertaining-looking villages on their way, but at the moment the view held little more than fields bound by stone walls, and sheep.
    Since this was nothing that Willa had not seen every day of her life, she cleared her throat and tried once more to talk to her husband.
    "If you are embarrassed about being too incapacitated last night to bed me, rest assured that I am willing to try again tonight," she called helpfully.
    Then again, she'd heard men were sensitive on this subject.
    "Not that I am in any hurry or anything. No pressure at all."
    Nothing. Not a nod, not a word.
    "I am sure that when you are feeling better, you'll have no trouble performing your duties."
    Still no response. This would never do. She took a deep breath and increased her strength of voice. She had marvelous strength of voice, since she often needed to make herself heard over the din of the taproom.
    "I apologize for disturbing your contemplation of the dust on the road, but I must know. It truly is quite necessary that you are capable, you see. You
able to perform, are you not?"
    There. He had to have heard that. The folk from miles around should have heard that.
    Nathaniel reined in his gelding and his temper at the same time. Twisting in the saddle, he watched as the she-demon from hell rode up beside him. "I hardly think my ability to perform is a topic for discussion on the open road," he said frostily.
    Despite his scowl, she brightened. "Well, I want to know. I have asked you a great number of questions these past two days, and you have answered none of them."
    Now that was an understatement. Nathaniel had lost count of her interrogations somewhere after a hundred. "What an odd creature you are."
    "I know. But I fear you must answer this one, for your own safety."
    "My safety depends upon it?" Nathaniel tilted his head. "Well, in that case, I have never had any difficulty 'performing'—if sufficiently interested." That should close that rather unnecessary subject. He turned to ride on.
    The mare hurried again. "Are

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