To Tame a Tycoon

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Book: To Tame a Tycoon by Judy Angelo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judy Angelo
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herself this fun experience.
    “It’s just a couple of hours away,” Rico yelled over the roar of the engine.  “Just relax and enjoy the ride.”
    And she did.  After a few minutes on the water he cut the speed to a cruise and she leaned back in her seat to enjoy the refreshing breeze as it slapped against her face.  Her nostrils filled with the salty sea air and tiny water droplets sprayed her face.  In the heat of the sun it felt wonderful.
    By the time Rico pointed to his island in the distance Asia was drunk from sun, sea and wind.  She yawned, feeling more relaxed than she’d ever been, even with her therapeutic exercises.  It felt so good to be far away from the bustling beehive that was Miami.  While other people thought Miami a slow city it had always seemed busy to her.  That was probably as a result of having grown up in a sleepy little town in southern Ontario.  No matter, though.  Today she’d be chilling on her own private island.  Well, Rico’s island, but at least she’d be there to share it with him.
    Rico reduced the throttle as they approached then they rode the gentle waves toward the shore.
    Asia, captivated by the picture-perfect scenery, could only stare.  It was like a postcard from paradise.  The white sand of the beach glistened in the sunlight as if a million tiny diamonds had been scattered all along the shore.  The translucent blue sea licked gently at the sandy beach, the water so clear that as it touched the sand it seemed to disappear.  As the sea breeze blew inland, the coconut palms bordering the sand waved and bowed as if in greeting.
    “Wow,” Asia whispered, never taking her eyes off the scene, “it’s beautiful.”
    “Glad you like it,” Rico said.  “Welcome to my own little island paradise.  It’s where I go to get away from my world.”
    Rico directed the boat toward a tiny dock then jumped out and secured it before turning to her.  He reached out a hand to help her out of the boat.  Gingerly, she stood up as the boat rocked gently in the water, then she put her hand in his and he pulled her toward him.  She hadn’t expected such a powerful tug and she toppled forward, almost knocking him over.
    Rico laughed and pulled her into him, crushing her against his strong, lean body.  “Trying to knock me into the water, are you?”  he growled playfully.  “That calls for punishment.”
    Asia’s head snapped up.  “I wasn’t.  I just tripped.”
    That was as far as she got.  Rico’s head descended, blocking out the rays of the sun, and then his mouth was on hers, punishing her with a sweetness that left her wanting more.
    When he raised his head to look down at her she moaned.  If this was the type of punishment he meted out for bad behavior she would have to misbehave more often.
    He gave her a crooked smile.  “Great way to start the day,” he said and then he let her go.
    As he stepped away, Asia sighed. It had felt so good to be in his arms, even for those brief seconds.  And that kiss.  It had left her wanting more.  But there was hope.  He’d said a great way to start the day.  Did that mean there was more to come?  She could hardly wait to find out.
    It was funny how the simple fact that Rico was no longer her client had made such a difference for her.  Okay, she’d be the first to admit that she’d been attracted to him from day one.  But still, there had always been that barrier, that one thing that stopped her from giving in to her desire.
    But now?  She dared not even think about it.  She would have to tread very carefully.  She wanted him and that was dangerous.
    Rico had retrieved the picnic basket and a bottle of wine.  He even had a rolled-up blanket tucked under his arm.  “Come on,” he said with a jerk of his head.  "Let’s go stake out our turf."
    Asia giggled.   “As if there's anybody else to fight with.”
    “Well, you never know.”  He cocked an eyebrow.  “There may be some wild beasts who

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