unions have had winning secret ballot elections in recent years. One solution would be to improve the union model so it could win secret ballot elections. But union leaders instinctively adopted a coercive strategy: eliminating secret ballots and relying on public commitments, which makes it easier to apply social pressure to coerce workers into joining unions.
Similarly, every test of voluntary payments to unions for political activism has resulted in a catastrophic drop in donations—as much as 96 percent in some cases. The unions’ answer: make the payments mandatory so people have to fork over the money to be in the union, and they have to be in the union to keep their job.
Similar kinds of social and economic coercion are found in other fields. In Hollywood, if you are openly on the Right you probably won’t get a job. And in many universities, conservatives will never get tenure.
This coercive brand of machine politics is the key to the Left’s attempts to gain power and remake the American people. The secular-socialist machine does not seek to serve the American people; it wants to force us into accepting the values and obeying the institutions of secular, big-government bureaucracies and their unionized employees.
Transplanting secular-socialist values into people through government action requires a malleable view of human nature and a government-centric concept of citizens’ rights.
To socialists, people are inherently bad and capitalism is always exploitive. Only strong government can take money from the rich, give it to the poor, and reeducate the ignorant or misinformed through government-sponsored programs. (Read the education philosophies of Bill Ayers or John Dewey to understand the Left’s mania for incorporating public education into the secular-socialist machine.)
This socialist worldview is the exact opposite of our Founding Fathers’ outlook. As we’ve seen, the Founders believed our rights come from God, that our behavior should be shaped by a culture infused with religious values, and that government shoud be a carefully limited servant of the people.
A religious worldview inherently limits the purview of government. Even the concept of sin limits government by suggesting that external constraints of right and wrong should guide us no matter what the state says.
In short, our core religious values hinder the secular socialists from realizing a government-dominated, politician-defined world of limited citizenship and unlimited bureaucracy. Thus, the culture of secularism has to replace the culture of religion if socialism is to survive.
For secular socialists, the government’s overarching goal is to condition people to accept alien behaviors and values. In practice, this outlook inherently produces creeping dictatorial bureaucracy and, ultimately, totalitarianism. George Orwell, despite being an avowed socialist, warned of this tendency in his essay “Why I Write”:
My recent novel [ 1984 ] is NOT intended as an attack on Socialism or on the British Labour Party (of which I am a
supporter) but as a show-up of the perversions to which a centralised economy is liable and which have already been partly realised in Communism and Fascism. . . . I believe also that totalitarian ideas have taken root in the minds of intellectuals everywhere, and I have tried to draw these ideas out to their logical consequences. The scene of the book is laid in Britain in order to emphasize that the English-speaking races are not innately better than anyone else and that totalitarianism, if not fought against , could triumph anywhere. 12
For those who ridiculed warnings that “death panels” would accompany a government-run health system, Orwell should stand as a stark reminder that the expansion of government power may be a small step on the long march to tyranny and domination by
Jenna Byrnes
Louis L'amour
Carol Emshwiller
Ginna Gray
Watkin; Tim; Tench Flannery
Emily Mitchell
Brigitte Nielsen
Jayden Alexander
Mikel J. Wisler