Tilly True

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Book: Tilly True by Dilly Court Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dilly Court
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jerk he would pull himself upright and glare at her.
    After a bit, Tilly stopped sweeping. ‘Look here,’ she said, making an effort to sound friendly. ‘I can see as how you’re fagged out. There ain’t no way that I can escape, as far as I can see, so why don’t you go to your bed?’
    His eyes opening wide, Clem stared at her. ‘What’s it to you?’
    â€˜Nothing. I don’t care if you falls onto the fire, but you’re in me way. I can’t get to that corner round your big plates of meat.’
    Getting slowly to his feet, Clem shot her a suspicious glance. ‘This had best not be a trick.’
    â€˜Get on with you. How can I get through a locked door or over a wall covered in broken glass?’
    â€˜And don’t forget, the windows is all barred. This drum used to be the manager’s office what ran the tobacco warehouses; they kept the wages here. It’s harder to get out of than Newgate.’
    â€˜I’m not daft,’ Tilly said, leaning on the broom. ‘I’m going to have a few words with your old man when he gets home. Make him see sense, like.’
    Clem’s hollow laughter echoed round the kitchen even after he had left the room.
    â€˜You can laugh,’ Tilly said to herself, stabbing at a pile of rotting food with the broom, ‘but I will get out of here, and you’re going to help me, Clem Tuffin. You see if you don’t.’
    Although she had worked with a will, Tilly could see little difference in the state of the room and fatigue was overcoming her. Flopping down in the chair by the freshly stoked range, she put her feet up, just for a moment, and closed her eyes.
    â€˜What’s this then?’
    Bert’s loud roar awakened Tilly from a deep, dreamless sleep. It was quite dark in the room, with just a glimmer of light coming from the embers in the range. She yelped as Bert grabbed her ear, dragging her to her feet.
    â€˜Lazy little bitch. I told you to clear this mess and you’ve been kipping.’
    Dazed with sleep, Tilly’s heart hammered inside her ribcage as if it were trying to force its way out. ‘I done me best. I ain’t a blooming miracle worker.’
    â€˜Where’s me dinner? I don’t smell nothing cooking.’
    â€˜I can’t cook if there ain’t no food in the larder.’
    Bert fisted his hands. ‘Cheeky little cow. I’ll have to teach you some manners.’
    â€˜Hey, guvner.’ A voice from the doorway caused Bert to pause and glance over his shoulder. Clem strolled into the kitchen running his hand through his hair and yawning. ‘What’s the matter?’
    Bert scowled. ‘I caught this bitch napping, that’s what’s the matter. And there’s nothing for supper. I thought I told you to keep an eye on her, you useless piece of shit.’
    Holding her breath, Tilly watched Clem’s face turn to stone and, for a moment, she almost felt sorry for him, but the feeling passed as quickly as it had come.
    Clem’s mouth widened in a grin, but his eyes remained narrowed and wary. ‘She probably can’t cook anyway, guv. We’ll go down the pub and get a pint and a pie.’
    â€˜You’re paying?’
    â€˜I’m paying.’
    â€˜You had a good haul then?’
    â€˜A couple of dead ’uns, delivered to the beadle all right and proper, ready for the coroner.’
    â€˜And they was well heeled?’
    Clem patted his pocket. ‘Well enough, old man.’
    â€˜Get your brother out of bed,’ Bert said, slapping Clem on the back. ‘We’ll go to the pub for our supper. I’ll deal with her later.’
    Trembling from head to foot, Tilly held her breath as they sauntered out of the kitchen. She heard Clem shout for Abel, the sound of footsteps on the bare stair treads and then the opening and closing of the front door. She was alone in the house and it was eerily silent. When

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