“Picked it up on my way home.”
“So he knows you’re on the show?”
“Yep. He didn’t know when we played cards last week. But he saw the dailies from the show and recognized me.”
“And I kissed him when we were in his office.”
“How was his office?”
“Really? That’s what you want to know. Not how was the kiss or aren’t you in breach of your contract? How was his office?”
“You can tell a lot about a man by his office.”
I gulp another unladylike sip from my wine glass. “His office was beautiful. Sleek, overlooking the city. It oozed power.”
“Nice. Bet he fucks like he owns you.”
The thought of what he’s like in bed is enough to make me lose my train of thought.
“Go on,” Sadie prods.
I don’t continue immediately.
“You forgot what you were up to because you were thinking of him fucking you like he owns you, didn’t you?” My best friend smirks knowingly.
“Shut up.” I pause. “Anyway, I don’t know what I’m going to do.”
“Well, him. Obviously.”
“I wish it were that easy.”
“What was his take on the whole thing?”
“He said he didn’t care if I was breaking the rules. He wants to get to know me.”
“And by ‘get to know you,’ he means starting with the inside and working his way out. I saw the way that man looked at you. I almost had to come home and change my wet panties.” She pauses. “But I took them off instead. There’s something really empowering about walking around in a skirt and no panties at work, don’t you think?”
“Can we get back to my issue? Dealing with yours will take years.”
Sadie shrugs. “So, you both keep quiet, what’s the big deal?”
“Forgetting about the contract, and the fact that Miles can sue me for more than I will probably earn for the rest of my life, I just don’t think I can be involved with two guys at once. Even if I don’t win, I really need to get to the top four to win enough money to buy some time to come up with the rest my mom needs.”
“How long do you have left?”
“Seven weeks.”
“So tell Cooper you need a couple of months.”
I drain the rest of my wine glass. “Something tells me that won’t go over too well … asking Cooper to wait around while I date someone else.”
“What choice does he have?”
“I don’t know. But Cooper Montgomery is not the type of man you give an ultimatum.”
chapter seven
“I thought that stupid meeting would never end,” I grumble, falling in step with Kate as she walks down the hall after her morning production meeting.
She smiles and keeps walking. “Were you standing out there long?”
“Long enough to have lost my patience. Meet me in my office in ten minutes.”
She stops mid stride. It takes me a few paces to realize I’m no longer next to her. “Bossy, much?”
“I’ll show you how bossy I am right here in the hall, if you’d prefer.” I arch an eyebrow.
“Coop,” Miles’s voice carries from down the hall. I wave and then return my attention to Kate.
“My office ten minutes or do you prefer the hall?” She looks back at Miles and then me, quickly making the right decision.
“Your office.”
I gloat my victory with a smile and turn just as my brother approaches. Kate walks a bit ahead, but Miles stops her. “Kate, have you met my brother?”
“Ummm … I don’t think so.” She turns cautiously.
“Nice to meet you.” I extend my hand and my fingers stroke the inside of her palm inconspicuously.
Her eyes widen and I take my time to release her from the shake.
“Kate here is one of the contestants on Throb. ” Miles puts his hand on Kate’s shoulder. I fight the urge to remove it for him and simply nod.
“She’s one of Flynn’s favorites. A shoo-in for the final four overnight dates.”
Between his hand still on Kate’s shoulder and the thought of her anywhere near Flynn, I need to get the hell out of here. “Did you want something, Miles? I have a
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