Three Men and a Bounty

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Book: Three Men and a Bounty by Gigi Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gigi Moore
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enough he didn’t worry as much about animal eyes. Animals didn’t judge like humans. They had sex without reservation, shame, or worrying about an audience.

    Three Men and a Bounty
    Maybe if he had sex more often himself, he wouldn’t be so on edge. Troy hadn’t been with anyone in a long time, though, and even then, it had been careless and fast groping in the dark, nothing fit for a proper body. It had been something more fit for an animal—the animal he was.
    There had been a couple of times, though, way back when he’d been between hay and grass and imagined himself enamored. He’d had to leave Jack out of self-preservation, and Josiah had been taken away from him. He hadn’t been able to explore the depths of what he was feeling with either man, and since they both were dead now, he never would.
    Troy’s body buzzed with the memories of his youth and
    unreleased hunger. He needed to take off the edge.
    He stretched his legs out in front of him and let his hand slide down to his lap. His cock rose up out of a nest of brown curls, hard and painful. Troy curled his fingers around his erection as far as they would go, but even with his sizeable hand, his fingers didn’t meet around the firm girth of him. His member pulsed inside his fist, a large, living thing that made Troy wonder if he had ever grown so big before. Had he ever been so enthused?
    He squeezed his eyes tight, drawing on the image of James naked, his mahogany skin glistening with lake water. The memory of James and his hard, jutting shaft set fire to Troy’s need, and to his senses further.
    He tightened his grip slightly, feeling velvet skin stretched over hard steel. The underside ridges ignited the nerve endings in his palm as he slowly began to pump his hand.
    A pearl of liquid squeezed to the head of his penis, and Troy imagined first James then Chris licking him then sharing his taste between them. He shuddered at the vision, pumping his cock harder and faster. Icy white heat rode him hard, rushing and spreading from his groin down to his stiffening legs. Troy’s moan of pleasure echoed loudly, but he had no chance to worry about startling any furry 62
    Gigi Moore
    woodland creatures that might be in the vicinity as his senses whirled on a cloud. Gasping, he spurted over his hand and onto his leg. Troy fell headlong into a mind-numbing climax that had him seeing double once he finally opened his eyes.
    He was bleeding. He tasted the blood in his mouth from where he must have bitten his bottom lip to keep from crying out. He licked the bite, the sample triggering a memory of the Indians and how they’d tasted when he’d ripped into them. The flavor hadn’t been entirely unpleasant. On some bone-deep level he had cottoned to the kill and the taste of his prey.
    He hadn’t cottoned to the reasons behind the attack, however. He had to believe he never would have harmed another human being like that without provocation— had to.
    Troy blinked several times to clear the tears that had suddenly formed in his eyes at the memory of his father. They hadn’t lost Mama much before the Indians’ visit. Troy soon found himself, once again, grieving, this time for his father.
    He thought of Chris again and how much they had in common. He thought of the losses they’d experienced in their lives. He wouldn’t fool himself to believe he understood what made a kid like him wake up screaming in fear the way Chris had. Since he’d undergone his first shift and had his growth spurt as a young teen, he hadn’t been afraid of too much of anything. He wouldn’t pretend that the near ten-year age gap didn’t matter to him, either, even if it didn’t matter to Mr. Old Enough Michaels. He had much more important things to worry about, the least of which involved catching up with James and making it back to Nellie’s.
    With everything that had happened and everything going on around the territory, he didn’t want either man out of his sight for too

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