This Game Called Life (Kingdom Book 4)

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Book: This Game Called Life (Kingdom Book 4) by Theresa L. Henry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Theresa L. Henry
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    Chapter 10
    With his cup in
hand, Jake followed MacKenzie back into the living room and took a seat in the middle
of the sofa. MacKenzie chose to sit as far away from him as possible wedged up
in a corner. Sitting with her feet tucked away from him, she took a sip of her
    “Am I forgiven?”
Jake asked, breaking into the silence.
    “As far as I’m
concerned most of our encounters end up with you being rude to me, and while
I’m at it, I’m going to add infuriating. Therefore, you’re going to have to be
much more specific as to what you’re talking about.”
    “Yeah, it does
seem that way, doesn’t it. Specifically, am I forgiven for my comment the first
time we met?”
    “Don’t even go
there, Jacob!”
    “Show them to me.”
MacKenzie sputtered to a stop. “No!”
    “Come on, you know
I’ve already seen them so you might as well just get it over and done with,” he
    “I said, no!”
    “Okay, I respect
your wish. But please accept my deepest apology for thinking that those boots
you had by the doorway were big enough to fit me.” Jake said using an earnest
    By the way she
looked at him, he could tell she didn’t know if she should believe his
sincerity. “The size of your feet is nothing to be embarrassed about, believe
me, I know, I too have big feet.”
    “I am not
embarrassed by my feet!”
    “Are you sure
because it seems that way to me. I mean look how you’re sitting right now, and
your refusal to show them to me says something entirely different.” By the time
he finished speaking, MacKenzie’s upper body was turned towards him, and she
was busy raking him with an exasperated look. There it was again, his feeling
of enjoyment at teasing her, so Jake decided to push even further.
    Putting his cup
down, Jake grinned at her. “Come on MacKenzie, you know what they say about
women with big feet.”
    Placing her own
cup on an end table Jake braced himself; recognizing when someone was preparing
themselves for an attack.
    MacKenzie folded
her arms and narrowed her eyes before speaking. “No, Jacob, I have no idea what
is said about women with big feet.”
    Maintaining a
straight face, he began a finger count of supposed traits that were sure to get
a rise out of her. “Women with big feet are... good swimmers,” nothing. In fact
if anything she relaxed back into her seat and gave him a bored look.
Therefore, he had to up the ante. “Don’t need skis..., need a bigger shoe
closet..., have long ass toes,” still nothing. Unable to keep from laughing,
Jake had one more quip at the ready, and he was sure this one would get the
desired reaction. “Look like the letter L from a sideway view.”
    The cushion that
smashed him in the face was what he had been waiting for. Although he had seen
it coming, he made no attempt to stop the contact. Nor did he try to wrestle it
away from her, because as she pummeled him, she moved ever closer.
    “So, you think
you’ve got jokes do you, Jacob. Well let me tell you those were some of the
lamest jokes I’ve ever heard! The letter L my ass!”
    By now, MacKenzie
was almost in his lap, and without warning, Jake flipped her over. One minute
she was upright and the next she was pinned beneath him, and that was exactly
where he wanted her.
    “That last one got
to you, huh?”
    “Get your
oversized ass off me!”
    “I’ll make a deal
with you. If you tell me three things you like about me, I’ll move.”
    “Three, are you
kidding me! One; and you have yourself a deal.”
    “Two,” she
MacKenzie,” somewhere during their Ping-Pong banter Jake could see she had
finally become aware of his body’s reaction to her closeness.
    “Jake, I don’t
think this is a good idea.”
    With all traces of
amusement wiped from his face, Jake looked deeply into her beautiful eyes as he
spoke. “As far as I’m concerned that’s part of your problem, you think too

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