They Say Love Is Blind

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Book: They Say Love Is Blind by Pepper Pace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pepper Pace
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
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up the elevator? Should she wake him?
    The gate came up. It wasn't so loud that it should wake Lee up, but since this wasn't her home, any strange noise was alarming to her. By the pinkish light coming through the slats of the window it was just am?
    She wanted to jump up and put her clothes on...but then she didn't want to leave the safety of the bed; nor the concealment of the comforter. She finally shook Lee's arm.
    "Lee!" She whispered.
    "Mmm?" He sighed, still half asleep.
    "Sweeti e, there's somebody in the loft ."
    His eyes came open slowly and he stretched, lazily, becoming oriented. "Oh, th at's Rosalind."

Rosalind? The h ostess from the restaurant? She gave him a curious look, waiting for an explanation. Of course he couldn't see the look. He gave her a quick squeeze, pulling her into his arms.
    "Does two people with mornin g breath cancel each other out?” He asked.
    Her brow was knit in alarm that Rosalind was in the house. "No." She said seriously.
    "Okay, then we'll save the good morning kiss for later." He sat up in bed with the comforter over his lap. "Honey? W hat did I do with my underwear?”
    Honey. He called her honey. She suppressed a smile. “T hey ten o'clock." She whispered even though he was talking in a normal voice. She had the comforter clutched to her breast, all the way up to her neck. He stood up and stretched again.
    Momentarily she forgot about the girl in the other room and appraised his round ed ass and the line of his back that tapered down to a narrow waist.; DAYUM!!!
    She shook her head and quickly smoothed down her hair. Lee used his feet to find his undies and slipped them on quickly. "Stay there, I'll get your clothes."
    "My...panties and bra are on the chair." She whispered. He found them and handed them to her and she climbed beneath the comforter to pull them on frantically. She was hoping to be at least partially dressed before Rosalind made her appearance; but no such luck.
    " Hey, o que é que fazes aqui? ” She rounded the glass block and froze in her spot at the sight of Tory peeking out from beneath the comforter. The Portuguese woman's face was in complete shock and her mouth formed a large O.
    "Getting dressed." Lee was fastening his pants. "Roz, we'll be right out."
    "Oh my G od! I'm so sorry!" She scurried out of the room. Lee reached down and felt for Tory's dress. She took it from him in embarrassment. What was that woman doing just walking into a grown man's bedroom? He was only seconds from being butt naked!
    "Roz comes by on Saturdays to help me with some errands and things; grocery shopping and such." At seven am???
    "Why so early?"
    "Well to get it out of the way. She's got kids and a hubby." When she was all dressed, Lee reached for her hand. "And when she's not helping me with errands then one of my brothers and sisters do. I don't need much help ; I do my own chores, laundry etc."
    When they reached the living room, Rosalind was busily opening the drapes. Tory saw that she'd disposed of the two containers of bottled water. The woman looked at her and Tory saw the recognition. Roz's eyes did a quick scan of her disheveled form before giving her a worried look.

"I'm so sorry, I-he's usually alone."
    "Roz, this is Tory." Lee seemed not the least affected by the fact that both women were uncomfortable.

"I remember, from the restaurant." She hurried over and offered her hand. Roz was pretty, appearing to be in her early thirties. She was tall, probably five ten, but her height did a lot to counteract her weight. She was a big woman but also statuesque one.
    The two women clasped hands and as Lee moved towards the kitchen Tory hurried to the couch where her purse still sat and her shoes lay on the floor.
    "Hon, do you want coffee?" Lee called.
    "Yes." Both women replied in unison. They stared at each other suddenly.
    "Three coffees coming up."
    Tory focused on putting on her shoes...damned feet had swollen and they

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