
Read Online TheBillionairesPilot by Suzanne Graham - Free Book Online Page B

Book: TheBillionairesPilot by Suzanne Graham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Graham
Tags: BDSM, Pilot, Billionaire, spanking, boss, helicopter, blindfold
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take a second
look at his sculpted shoulders, or pecs, or abs, or even his thickly muscled
thighs. She certainly wouldn’t glance at the bulge in his briefs and imagine
his dimensions.
    And she absolutely refused to
react when his low laughter followed her into the bathroom.
    After her shower, she took longer than
necessary smoothing on the jasmine-scented body lotion provided on the bathroom
counter. If she spent enough time in here, she hoped Evan would be asleep when
she emerged. She combed through her wet hair and debated blowing it dry. That
would fill more time, but she was too tired to make the effort.
    The day had started so early with her
mad-dash shopping extravaganza, then the flight down here, followed by a taxing
dinner with Xavier and Esmé. Now that she was showered and her body had begun
to relax, she realized she was bushed.
    She considered the threat of her
intermittent nightmares, which were more likely to occur when she got too
fatigued. She could only imagine Evan’s shocked reaction to her screaming and
hitting the floor. And that’s what infuriated her about these nightmares; they
didn’t reflect what truly happened. In the heat of the moment, she’d maintained
her position, held control of her aircraft, and delivered her men to safety
without even registering her own injury. So, why the hell did she cower and
whimper in her dreams?
    Mentally shoving aside the possibility of
losing control in her sleep tonight, she flipped off the bathroom light and
slowly opened the door, praying Evan would be sound asleep.
    “I wasn’t sure you were ever coming out,”
his deep voice greeted her in the brightly lit bedroom. He sat propped up with
pillows against the ornately carved headboard.
    “Hey, isn’t that my book?” She stepped
closer to the bed to get a better look at the familiar cover.
    “Yeah, I didn’t bring anything to read
other than business reports. I figured you wouldn’t need it while you were in
the bathroom.”
    “Did you dig through my bag to get it?”
She stood with her hands on her hips, glaring at him. Why did everyone think it
was okay to go through her things?
    “No, I didn’t have to dig. It was right
near the top.” His gaze fixed on her until she realized she was practically
posing for him in her nightie with her chest puffed up.
    Dropping her hands and hunching her
shoulders, she skedaddled to the other side of the bed. Tossing back the
covers, she quickly got under them with her back to him.
    “Goodnight,” she said, switching off the
lamp on her side table. “And remember I know self-defense.”
    She closed her eyes tightly, trying to
block out his freshly showered citrusy scent and the heat coming from his side
of the bed. But there was no blocking out the throaty chuckle that wrapped its
way around her and seemed to caress her skin, sending her pulse skittering.
    Damn, it was going to be a long night.
    Chapter Six
    “ Which
ring do you like best?” Esmé asked from a nearby armchair as Cassie sat on the
living room couch close to Evan. Xavier stood behind his wife with his hands on
her shoulders, his sharp eyes focused on Cassie and Evan.
    Cassie’s pulse pounded in her throat as
she stared down at the velvet tray in her lap filled with exquisite diamond
rings. Never before had she been this close to jewels this valuable. Barely
moving, she took shallow breaths, afraid she would disrupt the tray and send
the rings scattering across the tile floor.
    She hadn’t realized Esmé was serious last
night about having her jeweler bring over a selection of engagement rings this
morning. Then, while they’d eaten breakfast on the patio, this magnificent
collection of diamonds had been delivered.
    Cassie was beginning to lose count of all
the unexpected things that had happened in the past twenty-four hours,
including the fact her exhaustion had beat out her attraction for the nearly
naked man sharing her bed

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