The Zombie Slayers: Surviving The Outbreak (Zombie Apocalyptic Fiction) Series - Episode 1

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Book: The Zombie Slayers: Surviving The Outbreak (Zombie Apocalyptic Fiction) Series - Episode 1 by Ryan Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ryan Williams
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    We have to still try, But I feel it in my gut, there still alive! Plus the tanker 2 is there, I will go by myself, I don't really care. Theres a reason they call me the zombie slayer.
    By the way after a month whose the new mayor.
    You all ready know Sir! “Its John who else!”
              John Wilkins also known as Mr Red, Me and him was in the same squid in Navy Seal training, and because of that training we survived longer than most.
    John could shoot a zee, from a mile away right between the eyes. No surprise to me, he's a sniper his specialty was being a marksmen.
    Let me tell you story of how, we obtained this survivors refuge. Called Fort Brag, A old national guard, base outside the Town of New Castle.
    Better known for its air shows, and troops returning home from the Middle East. But after the outbreak, the base was used for emergency EVAC ( evacuation) route. The un-infected would be tested here then transported to the Capital Fort, located 500+ miles away, on an island. The island had a runway for incoming planes of survivors. Our job in Bravo and Alpha Company was to keep hordes of zees away, while Charley and Delta, would test survivors and load planes. But nothing remains the same for to long.
    The power went out and the automatic motion detecting heavy gunners stopped. Many have died, but two remain. Two years ago, when the Outbreak began... we were left!
    Bullet shells, are hot!
    Black volcano, Spitting lava rocks!
    So watch where you sit
    (Two years earlier)
    Soldiers! Hold the line! " There coming!" The sound of machine guns in the air, bullet shells rain down from the ten foot tall walls.
    The AMD-G1 (Automatic Motion Detection Gunner 1) barrels are red hot from the gun fire non stop.
    Kevin and John, get up on that tower and give cover for alpha company. If anything jumps that wall shoot it. We need time to get generators back online.
    Master Sgt Todd Green yelled!
    “ Sir Yes sir” were on it! Kevin and John replies.
    After the generator stopped, the horde was gaining ground. One after one another, zees shot down.
    We getting low on ammunition, a soldier cried, don't know how long we can hold this line.
    Delta team, fill those tanks! We need gas to power the AMD's. Master Sgt Green yells!
    The team scrambled to grab the gas tanks to refill . Suddenly 4 runners leaped  the wall, and headed toward Delta team,its like they formed a strategy, and somehow knew our weakness.
    Master Sgt Jason Perdue, was the first to go, one runner grabbed him, chewing into his neck. Almost removing the head, even if he did turn zee, he'd be no good not even for a zombie. John aimed his scope, and
    BAM! With the sound of thunder, the zees head exploded. Kevin took out the other two, with a Scoped M-16. Ammo getting low, the horde continued to flow. They were like ants, climbing a hill of dead body's. Sgt Green! Fall back, Every one FALL THE FUCK back now. We all knew if the AMD's failed to come back online. We were all dead. Sgt Green then fired his side arm at the remaining Runner, Pop Pop... Pop the zee continued to  run toward him, like a ram at full charge. Pop Pop...!
    A member of delta team scrambled to roll a gas barrel across the lot. To fill the AMD gas tanks.
    Kevin can you get a sight! John called out! Sorry Sgt Green is out of my line of sight.That running zee, is moving to fast for me. “I can't get a read!” shouted Kevin
    Suddenly the zee charged at Sgt Green knocking the gun from his grip. Pop? The bullet traveled hitting a gas barrel, Delta team was rolling, BOOM!
    Sgt Green was dead, body already in pieces, Oh Shit, were Dead, were all Dead! John said trembling in fear What the hell do we do now! Retreat... Retreat! Yelled a leader from Charley Team! Get to the C130 (Military Cargo Plane)
    Kevin let's go! John said before we get left here! It almost got him “Bam!” Kevin aiming at the running zee eating Sgt green. That running zee is dead, don't need him chasing

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