The Zombie Chronicles - Book 2 (Apocalypse Infection Unleashed Series)
what about the motorcycle and the beach? We barely escaped.”
    “ Hey, it’s not every day a guy gets to ride down the alley on a Harley with a hot babe.”
    She playfully slapped me. “C’mon. Be serious.”
    “ I’m tired of serious. I’ve almost forgotten what it’s like to laugh.”
    “ You have a wonderful laugh. That’s all you did when you drank all that beer at the airport tower. It was…contagious.”
    “ The beer or the laughing?”
    She laughed right back at me. “Heh. Both, I guess,” she said, her eyes lighting up with the fond memory.
    I smiled. “We did have a good time, didn’t we?”
    “ It was magical. I don’t think I’ve laughed so much in a long time. I wish I could dream about that, but instead I keep dreaming about walking across that board from the house to the barn, except in my nightmare, I fall off and—”
    I squeezed her hand tightly, stopping her from recounting the horror. “I’m here for you, Jackie.”
    “ Thanks,” she said, looking down at the floor.
    “ What is it?” I asked. “Something else is bothering you.”
    “ It may seem stupid to you, but it kinda freaks me out that I used a gun. My dad would flip. He’s so against guns and all that. It’s all so much to take in. And I swear I keep freaking out every time I hear a noise. I keep thinking a whole herd of those things out there is going to break into the gym, like that scene at the end of Night of the Living Dead , when they started coming in the house.”
    “ That’s only normal,” I whispered, “after everything we’ve been through.”
    “ My hands keep shaking, and I can’t stop thinking about my family back in New York. Do you think they’re okay? I wonder if they even know I’m alive.”
    “ We just have to keep fighting and live another day. Tomorrow isn’t promised. None of this is easy. I don’t know if my parents are alive either, or whether Val will live another day.” My voice wavered as I cupped her face again. “All we can do now, in this moment, is stay strong and lean on each other.”
    “ I’m not gonna give up—not ever,” she swore, softly touching my wrist. “How’s that cut healing?”
    “ It scabbed over already. I know it’s a little gross, but I think I’ll live.”
    “ I’m just glad you escaped from that hole with nothing but that cut,” she said. “When you told us you were stuck down there with zombies, I about freaked.”
    “ Me too,” I said, not wanting to recall it. I was desperate to change the subject, tired of talking about the undead. “So…tell me about your grandparents’ farm. You drove that harvester like a champ.”
    She chuckled. “I did, didn’t I? Their farm was wonderful. They had chickens, cows, pigs, and horses, my favorite. I used to ride this black stallion, bareback, through a green meadow covered in wildflowers. I’ll never forget how the wind whipped through my hair.”
    Talking about her childhood memories calmed her down. When she laughed, her face lit up. She was so adorable that I just couldn’t help myself. Without even thinking about it, I pulled her close and kissed her. As she slid her hands up my chest, she grasped me behind the neck. My heart raced. I had never wanted anybody as much as I wanted her. She slid her hands through my hair as I rolled my tongue across her lips. Murmuring my name, she went weak in my arms as we shared a slow, passionate kiss. Sliding my hands down her body, I kissed the soft skin of her neck.
    Then, just like that, she pulled away from me. “As great as this is, we’d better get some sleep. We’ll be on the road in no time.”
    That was my cue: She wasn’t ready to go any farther with me yet—and she was right. It was best not to rush things. I knew it as well as she did, but I couldn’t help getting carried away. I snuggled next to her, and she whispered, “Goodnight,” before we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Chapter 12
    Morning came without

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