The Wrong Man

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Book: The Wrong Man by Lane Hayes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lane Hayes
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it. It’s hard work and long hours, but yeah, I love it. I love the camaraderie. In a way, the guys you work with become family. I was with the Oxnard fire department for six years, and I’ve been here for six months.”
    His gaze became somewhat intense when he continued. “And yes, I’m out. I’ll never lie again about who I am to please anyone. Period. Not everyone will accept me but that’s their problem. Not mine. Case in point, my family. I figured out the hard way it’s better to be real. Duplicity isn’t my style.”
    “Hmm. Listen, I’m usually good at sugarcoating, but I don’t know how to be delicate here, so I’m just going to ask all the questions I promised myself I wouldn’t. Ready?”
    Instead of being put off by my curve-ball statement, Jake laughed again and leaned forward. “Ready.”
    “If the people you worked with were like family to you, why did you move to West Hollywood? And how about Mack? How does he fit in?”
    This time he wasn’t so quick to answer. He sat back again and studied me for a long minute before shifting forward and picking up his wineglass. It was funny to notice quirks in his mannerisms that reminded me of the boy I’d known so long ago. He’d had a habit in high school when deep in thought of leaning back in his chair far enough that the front two legs would be in the air. Once he’d solved whatever problem was in his head, he’d crash the front part of the chair down and lean forward with his elbows on the table. Then he’d give me an answer with a devilish grin and tell me to meet him in the bathroom in five minutes. Whatever he’d suggested then, I was usually game. I’d been hypnotized by the extraordinarily good-looking jock who’d inexplicably had a thing for me.
    Jake licked his lips and took a small drink before setting the glass down.
    “I needed a change of scenery. When my ex and I split, it was amicable, but it was seeping into my life. Making things uncomfortable. I have a great set of friends in Oxnard, and I hated leaving them but it was time for a change.”
    “And Mack?”
    Jake smiled widely. “He’s my best friend. As long as he’s with me, I’ve got what I need. A loyal companion with an easy temperament and a kind soul. He likes me the way I am, no matter what, and no questions asked. He was collateral in my breakup with Derek, but he was always mine really. I know Derek loved him too, in his own way, but—” He picked up the glass again. “He was always too busy for him, and he wasn’t willing to care for Mack when he got sick. He was quick to let go. In more ways than one I guess.”
    “You mean he wanted….”
    “To put him down.”
    I gasped. “That’s awful!”
    “Well, yes and no. I mean, it was weird because we were already broken up when Mack got sick. But we shared him. When I worked a long shift, I would leave him with Derek. Otherwise Mack was with me. Unfortunately he lost bladder control on Derek’s watch, and his new guy had a fucking fit. Mack got sick fast, and he was twelve. That’s a long life for a big dog. If a dog is miserable and sick, it’s inhumane to keep him alive. I get that. But Mack wasn’t done living. I knew it. I fought for him, agreed to take care of all the vet expenses, and ultimately got Derek to agree to give me full custody.” He shook his head and gave me a wry smile. “Fuck, I sound like I’m talking about a kid. Bottom line is I stayed in Oxnard longer than I should have. I had a great life for a while there. A good job, a cool house, a man I thought I’d be with for the long run, and a sweet, loyal dog. When things with the man went sideways, at least I had Mack and a job I liked. The problem was having ties and connections to a man I didn’t want to be around and hated running into in town. I needed a change. So when the West Hollywood department had an opening, I jumped at it. The people here have been terrific. It’s early days, and I’m the new guy. They don’t

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